Coffee review

The correct drinking method of authentic Manning Coffee introduction to the method of grinding and brewing water temperature of Mantenin hand coffee

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The authentic manning coffee refers to the coffee beans of Sumatra, Indonesia. The mantenin coffee beans can be said to be the most famous coffee beans in Asia. The story of the origin of Mantenin coffee is also very interesting. When Japan colonized in Indonesia, he loved Indonesian coffee beans very much. After returning to Japan after the colonization,

When it comes to manning coffee, there is a very strange phenomenon in the front street. In the past, most men liked manning coffee, but now, women have gradually fallen in love with manning coffee. If you get used to the taste of Essel coffee and then drink mantenin coffee, you may not be used to it, but if you don't talk about Essel's coffee first, you will find that it is not so bitter. So strong herbal flavor.


Manning coffee is Asian beans, the flavor will be more mellow, and has the flavor of Chinese herbal medicine, and some pine flavor, but also the representative of Asian coffee beans. Mantenin coffee beans have large particles and hard beans, so they are prone to defects in the process of planting and are usually picked strictly by hand after harvest. Mantenin coffee beans can be said to be the ugliest in appearance, but some people say that the worse the Sumatran coffee beans are, the better, mellow and slippery they are. Manning coffee, as one of the food beans in the front street, is very popular, especially the golden manning coffee is chased by everyone!


The most famous coffee producers in Asia are the islands of Malaysia: Sumatra, Java and Kaliman. Among them, Sumatra Manning Coffee from Sumatra Island in Indonesia is the most famous. Mandning Coffee is produced in Sumatra, Indonesia, Asia, also known as "Sumatran Coffee". Sumatra has the fertile volcanic soil found in many well-known coffee producing areas, which contains a lot of minerals, which help coffee fruits produce more nutrients and aroma. Local farmers will plant coffee trees at medium elevations, usually between 600 and 1200m. With the low-altitude planting environment and the climatic characteristics of the tropical rain forest, it takes a short time for coffee fruits to mature and it is difficult to form rich acidity. Therefore, the coffee flavor here is more herbaceous and spicy.

What kind of coffee is Mantenin?

The variety of Lin Dong Manning Coffee in front street is written as: Tim Tim Ateng, and the variety of Golden Manning Coffee is written as: Ateng. What kind of coffee is this? Golden manning coffee beans are grown in the GAYO Mountains of Aceh in North Sumatra. The variety is Ateng, and Ateng is a hybrid between Arabica and Robusta, widely cultivated in Sumatra and other Indonesian islands. In fact, it is a branch of Catimor. Ateng is a local name. Tim Tim in Indonesia is what we call Timor (Tim). Ateng is very suitable for planting and flavor development in Aceh.


Due to the local names of Indonesian people, we often see that Mantenin's coffee varieties are relatively unfamiliar, but they just have a different name.

The treatment of Manning Coffee beans

The unique flavor of Manning coffee is not only related to the local climate, but also closely related to its treatment. Indonesia is located in a typical tropical rain forest climate area, where it often rains and the sun lasts for a short time, which is not in line with the operation of the sun treatment method, coupled with the general local economic conditions, there are not enough funds to be invested in the water washing treatment method. The Jia family derived this semi-water washing treatment, that is, the wet bubble method. This is a rare treatment in the world, accidentally creating Mantenin's special low-acid, thick and smelly flavor.


Parameters for brewing Manning coffee in front of the street:

Manning coffee is so unique, how to brew it in order to fully show its flavor? On the front street below, I would like to share with you some parameters of the front street hand making Manning coffee:

The flavor of Mantenin coffee is the flavor of nuts and chocolate, and the Qianjie roaster chooses deep roasting. The deeper the roasting degree, the looser the texture of the coffee beans, the stronger the water absorption, and the easier it is to extract when cooking, so Qianjie will use lower water temperature and thicker grinding degree, so as to avoid scorching and bitterness caused by excessive extraction.


Qianjie selection: KONO filter cup, 88 degrees water temperature, powder / water ratio of 15 grams / 15 grams of powder, grinding thickness of 70% of national No. 20 filter mesh, stage-by-stage brewing, the taste of Mantenin coffee is mellow and dense, with strong herbal flavor and high sweetness.

In the choice of filter cup, Qianjie chose Kono Mingmen filter cup. The biggest feature of the Kono filter cup is that the ribs extend from the bottom to the middle, and the upper part is a smooth filter cup wall, so that when the filter paper is glued to the filter cup, the water can not "sneak" around the coffee powder to improve the thickness of the taste.


The amount of powder used in Qianjie is still 15g, and the amount of coffee powder is not as much as possible, nor less, depending on the size of the filter cup. Qianjie uses a filter cup of 1-2 people, which is a reasonable amount of powder when the amount of powder is 15-20g. It will be difficult to brew the powder outside this range.

In terms of powder-water ratio, Qianjie Association recommends 1:15, although some may suggest using a powder-water ratio of 1:13 or less. Qianjie has said before that the concentration is not necessarily related to the thickness of alcohol, and that too strong will cause discomfort. Therefore, the use of 1:15 powder-water ratio can also show the mellow taste of Mantenin. Of course, if you want to lighten the taste, you can also adjust the proportion slightly.


In terms of coffee grinding, Qianjie will use No. 20 screen to pass 70%. The grinding degree of brewing Mantenin coffee is a little thicker than light roasted coffee beans, because Mantenin uses deep roasting, its structure will be looser, and it is easier to absorb water and release coffee substances. if it is ground to the thickness of shallow roasted beans, it is easy to rinse out bitterness; if it is thicker, it will make the coffee as thin and tasteless and taste as thin as water.


In the choice of water temperature, Qianjie recommends using 88 ℃ of water temperature for cooking. In the same way as the degree of grinding, too high water temperature is prone to scorch bitterness, too low water temperature will appear coffee insipid, and there will be an unpleasant acidity.


Brewing method Qianjie is the same way of three-stage water injection, divided into three stages of water injection can better show the mellow taste of Mantenin coffee and the sweetness of caramel. The specific distribution of water injection is as follows: the first stage of steaming water injection 30ml, this section of water injection all wet coffee powder, exhaust, in order to better extract coffee flavor substances, using stage-by-stage extraction, with 2 times the amount of coffee powder water for steaming, that is, 30 grams of water for 30 seconds, and the reason for the need for steaming process is to enable coffee powder to exhaust internal carbon dioxide gas, so that the latter section of the extraction is better and stable. Stop when the second small water is injected round to 125g, and then carry on the third stage water injection when the coffee powder is exposed; in the third stage, continue the water injection to 225g, then remove the filter cup after the water drips are finished, and the extraction time is 22039 ". Next, pick up the whole cup of coffee and pour it into the cup to taste.


[Lindong Manning coffee bean flavor]: the entrance has a strong herbal aroma, dark chocolate, caramel, sweet back.

Suggestions for making coffee in front of the street:

For the brewing of coffee, Qianjie has always believed that the freshness of coffee beans is a very important link, the freshness of coffee beans can maximize the rich flavor of coffee. The coffee beans shipped in Qianjie are all roasted within 5 days, because Qianjie is well aware that the freshness of coffee beans has a great impact on the flavor. The purpose of Qianjie roasting is "freshly roasted coffee", so that every guest who places an order is the freshest coffee when he receives it. The bean cultivation period of coffee is about 4-7 days, so when the guest gets it, it is the time when the flavor is the best.


Of course, there are some customers who need help grinding powder in front of the street, which doesn't matter, but Qianjie has to warn: if the coffee beans are ground ahead of time, there is no need to raise the beans, because in the process of transportation, the pressure caused by carbon dioxide in the package can also make the coffee flavor mellow, so when you receive the coffee powder, you can immediately make a cup of coffee to drink. But the coffee powder needs to be brewed in time, because the coffee powder oxidizes more quickly after contact with the air, that is to say, the flavor of the coffee will dissipate more quickly, and the flavor of the coffee is not so good. Therefore, Qianjie suggests buying whole beans, grinding and flushing now, so that we can better taste the flavor of coffee.

There are Lin Dong Manning Coffee and Golden Manning Coffee in Qianjie Coffee. If you are not used to Mantenin Coffee, you can come and drink coffee from other countries, such as Ethiopia's Ming and Qing floral aromas, citric acid and citrus notes. Colombian nuts, dark chocolate and soft acidity are all delicious coffee!

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

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