Coffee review

The basic knowledge of hand-brewed coffee is hand-brewed coffee beans black coffee? how to save it?

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Hand-brewed coffee means a cup of black coffee brewed by hand. Hand-brewed coffee can be said to be the representative of mainstream boutique coffee at present. A good cup of hand-brewed coffee can obviously reflect the flavor characteristics of coffee's origin. Whether a cup of hand-brewed coffee tastes good or not, we first need to see whether the coffee beans are good, and then our coffee.

Hand-brewed coffee means a cup of black coffee brewed by hand. Hand-brewed coffee can be said to be the representative of mainstream boutique coffee at present. A good cup of hand-brewed coffee can obviously reflect the flavor characteristics of coffee origin. Whether a cup of hand-brewed coffee is good or not, we first need to see whether the coffee beans are good, and then our brewing methods are correct. There are many parameters affecting coffee brewing, coffee bean grinding thickness. Boiling water temperature, brewing time, water injection techniques and so on. If you want to learn more about hand-brewing coffee skills, you can see the detailed tutorial of Qianjie Coffee. How to preserve the hand-brewed coffee beans? We need to know that coffee cannot be exposed to the sun, and the temperature is too high, so we should store coffee in a cool, dark place, but it is not recommended to be directly exposed to the air, so the aroma of coffee volatilizes very quickly, and sealed preservation is recommended. Conditional can also be put in vacuum tanks, vacuum environment preservation time is longer, and is not recommended in the refrigerator, this is because low temperature will affect the extraction. There is still a miscellaneous smell in the refrigerator, which can be tasted.
