Coffee review

Novice Coffee making course illustrating the process of washing Yejia Xuefei Coffee Bean hand-flushing parameters

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The problem of water injection of hand-brewed coffee has been a clich é, but there are also many friends who have just started to pay attention to the front street, "Why can't I taste good?" "it's so hard to make coffee by hand!" At present, hand-made coffee is still in a relatively small circle, in order to take care of new friends, the same old content is indispensable. For Gang

The problem of water injection of hand-brewed coffee has been a clich é, but there are also many friends who have just started to pay attention to the front street, "Why can't I taste good?" "it's so hard to make coffee by hand!" At present, hand-made coffee is still in a relatively small circle, in order to take care of new friends, the same old content is indispensable.


For those who have just learned to make coffee, Qianjie believes that understanding and using the correct brewing parameters is more important than water injection. (so the parameters are often mentioned in Qianjie) Qianjie believes that there are thousands of parameters for making good coffee, but for beginners, a parameter with high compatibility is the most suitable. So you may see that the brewing parameters of most coffee beans recommended in Qianjie are almost the same (with a few exceptions). This is not lazy and cheating in Qianjie, but high compatibility, and a simple method is suitable for wide popularity. (Qianjie also made a series of cooking techniques to share)

Let's go too far. first of all, we see that most cafes make coffee and pour water in a circle. Well, there are also some corresponding central water injection. The front street demonstrates the central water injection and circular mixing to observe the changes in the powder layer.

截屏2022-02-16 下午4

It can be seen that if you circle around the center, it is extremely easy to disturb the flow, and the water column forms an angle slightly, and the movement of the water in the coffee is out of control. as in the video, the water column hits the bottom of the coffee and flows back in the direction of water injection. it's easy to form a channel, and the water flows away from that channel. Observe that the powder wall injected with water in the center is thin on one side and thick on the other. On the other hand, this will not happen when stirring and injecting water around the circle, and the powder walls are of uniform thickness.


Therefore, from this comparison, it can be seen that stirring water injection is not easy to produce disturbance on the one hand, and uniform extraction on the other hand.


In fact, "mixing" has always been in our lives. When flushing "granules", they will be stirred with a spoon so that the particles are fully melted in water. In fact, the water injection stirring in hand flushing has a similar effect, that is, let the water act as a stirring apparatus, continuously "stirring and tumbling" the coffee powder layer, so that the coffee powder releases more flavor substances. Then it leads to a question: is it better to stir as much as possible? The answer is of course not. We only need the substances that taste good, and we don't want to have a bitter taste. When the stirring is too strong, the water will stop pouring, and the water will continue to rotate in the direction of stirring. Just like the drum washing machine (the faster it turns, the easier it is to throw the water out), the coffee is also prone to bad taste.

And hand water injection there is one thing to pay attention to is that when water injection, try not to rush to the filter paper, break through the powder wall is easy to form a channel, resulting in incomplete extraction. Qianjie suggests that friends who have just learned to flush by hand should start with (circle) slow, steady (water) and (water column) straight water injection.


There are two more questions about water injection, that is, what is the height of water injection? Water injection clockwise or counterclockwise? There is no standard for these two problems. Some people like to inject water close to the liquid surface, and some people like to raise the water column for water injection. The difference between the two is the change of water temperature, high injection water column is easy to lose temperature (8cm height error is about 0.7-1 degree), but Qianjie is not recommended to stick to the liquid level for water injection, because many kettles will have a certain angle when they come out, and only when they are pulled up to 2-3cm will they be vertical, and water injection close to the liquid level will easily cause flow disturbance or break through the powder wall.


As for clockwise or counterclockwise water injection, the answer given by Qianjie is, all right, as long as you circle in the same direction from here to the end. Of course, there is also a difference between clockwise and counterclockwise water injection on the Internet to discuss the spiral direction of the ribs of the V60 filter cup. Qianjie thinks this is a good after-dinner conversation.