Coffee review

Introduction of Italian Coffee varieties espresso American latte Cappuccino Macchiato White difference

Published: 2024-07-27 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/07/27, Today, Qianjie doesn't want to talk about the origin of coffee, doesn't want to analyze the extraction theory, and doesn't bother to do comparative experiments. Why don't we give you a detailed introduction to espresso, an old family that has made its debut for many years, and see how big all the members of this Italian coffee are? Italian concentrate three.


Today, Qianjie doesn't want to talk about the origin of coffee, doesn't want to analyze the extraction theory, and doesn't bother to do comparative experiments. Why don't we give you a detailed introduction to espresso, an old family that has been around for many years, and see how big all the members of this Italian coffee are?

Italian concentrated "three brothers"

As the base of Italian drinks in cafes, Espresso can be said to be a soul-like existence. But if you take a closer look at the Italian system, you will find that it is not an "only child". There are two other brothers in the family: Ristretto and Lungo.


From left to right are: Lungo, Espresso, Ristretto

The most common Espresso extraction usually uses a powder-to-liquid ratio of about 1.5 to 2.5, such as 20 grams of coffee powder and 40 grams of coffee extract in 25 seconds and 30 seconds. On the basis of conventional extraction, Ristretto only took the front and middle part of the coffee, and 20 grams of coffee powder produced only about 28 grams of coffee liquid at the ratio of 1 to 1.5, and the time was about 20 seconds. On the other hand, by prolonging the time and increasing the amount of extraction, Lungo will increase the ratio of powder to liquid, that is, 20 grams of coffee powder will extract about 100 grams of coffee liquid for nearly 1 minute.

Compared with the conventional Espresso,Ristretto, the flavor is more concentrated, but the flavor is relatively short, and it is often used as the base of Australia white, while the "super long" extracted Lungo can be regarded as excellent coffee because it is diluted by a lot of hot water and tastes thin and bitter.


In addition to the Italian espresso brothers, there is also a thick espresso in Italy: Doppio. If you order double espresso, the coffee you get is 2 shot; extracted normally, and if you order Doppio, the barista will give you a shot with twice the amount of powder. When the coffee powder is more, the liquid weight is reduced, and the flavor is naturally stronger.

Members of Black Coffee

When it comes to black coffee, Americano is definitely a household name. Made up of only Espresso and water, this so-called "American Coffee" has been at the top of the Italian menu for many years because of its friendly temperament and hot and cold advantages.


In Australia, there is also a local coffee called "Long Black", which is also made of concentrated and water. The biggest difference between the American style and the long black style is the amount of water added. When making long black coffee, the ratio of Espresso to water is usually 1:3, while the American style will mix in more water, about 1 person, 5 pounds, 1 cup, 8. So compared with the American style, the taste of long black coffee is more rich, and it can only be hot.

Members of Milk Coffee

To introduce the members of the Milk Cafe family, we have to start with the latte that is popular all over the world. Latte means milk in Italian. If you want to get a cup of milk coffee, you have to say "Caffe latte" to the locals. When it comes out of Italy, Latte is generally defaulted to latte, and the ratio of espresso to milk is about 1, 5, 1, 8.


In fact, before the advent of lattes, the term milky coffee meant Cappuccino. When making, according to the proportion of coffee, milk and milk foam at 1:1:1, the upper layer of foam is thick enough to protrude the mouth of the cup, so that people can enjoy rich foam and taste full-bodied coffee. In addition, there is an espresso with foam and a Macchiato. Add a spoonful of delicate hot milk foam to the espresso, due to the small amount of milk added, the taste is relatively strong, between espresso and cappuccino.


Top: cappuccino: macchiato

Like long black coffee, when a latte comes to Australia to suit local tastes, the foam becomes thinner and the amount of milk is reduced, which evolves into Flat White. In order to reduce waste when debugging coffee beans, Australian baristas have also invented a small latte-Piccolo Latte. The cup of piccolo is only 3 ounces, concentrated in a single portion and mixed with a small amount of milk. Compared with latte, Australian white and piccolo are more full-bodied in taste and more prominent in bean flavor, and can only be used as hot drinks.


Left: Australia White right: Piccolo

As for our "Internet celebrity" Dirty, it is not a traditional espresso, but an improved version of a late iced latte. Let the fresh concentrated liquid directly on the ice milk to form a layered effect, not only has a good appearance, but also with a fragrant taste, no wonder it is popular all over the network.


Members of Italian special coffee

In order to make more people drink the bitter Italian concentrate, people will add all kinds of excipients to the coffee according to local conditions, hoping to neutralize its intensity. In this way, all kinds of Italian specials were born.


Based on the latte, the traditional Italian mocha (Mocha Cafe) is added with a flavoring containing chocolate. There is also an Italian drink with a chocolate flavor, and a caff è marocchino. To make, add a shot to a 60ml cup, then sprinkle with cocoa powder, then pour in milk foam or cream, and finally sprinkle with cocoa powder. The addition of small cups and two layers of cocoa gives the coffee a stronger flavor.


There are also many Italian specials that are directly mixed with espresso. Concentrated on ice cream is Affogato, which is not only an Italian coffee category, but also can be divided into desserts. When milking the fresh milk on the concentrated surface, it is a cup of Con Panna. A small cup of Espresso with a small amount of high alcohol is called Caff è Corretto.


From left to right are Avjiadot, Campbell Blue and Carrito Coffee.

Shake the coffee liquid in a snow pot filled with ice and a small amount of syrup. Pour into a martini glass over the ice. A cup of European iced coffee Caffe shakerato is done. While retaining the aroma of espresso, a hint of sweetness and dense foam on the upper layer make the coffee taste and visual feel like drinking dark beer.



Front Street Cafe

No. 10 Baoqian street, Yandun road, Dongshankou, Yuexiu district, Guangzhou, Guangdong province
