Coffee review

Come on, help you solve the trouble of using filter paper.

Published: 2024-07-27 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/07/27, A guest once asked in front of the street: why do I see that you baristas have different methods of folding filter paper? Do you want to wet the filter paper in advance? Today, I will bring you a group of detailed teaching about filter paper from Qianjie.


A guest once asked in front of the street: why do I see that you baristas have different methods of folding filter paper? What kind of filter paper should be chosen? How should filter paper be folded? Do you want to wet the filter paper in advance? What are the rules of wetting filter paper? Today, I will bring you a group of detailed teaching about filter paper from Qianjie.

Does the filter paper choose log or bleached?

Log filter paper refers to unbleached filter paper, brown wood color, with paper / log smell.


Bleached filter paper refers to the bleached filter paper, which is white and has no obvious paper smell.

Qianjie recommends bleaching filter paper, because bleaching filter paper does not have to worry about the taste of filter paper affecting the flavor of coffee. At present, the famous coffee filter paper brand uses bioactive enzyme bleaching technology, which is widely used in the pharmaceutical field, so we should pay attention to the bleaching technology when buying filter paper, and it is recommended to choose a big brand. As a reference, the daily production of Qianjie uses kono.

How to fold filter paper? Take tapered filter paper as an example


Step 1: fold the edge of the sewing line of the extended filter paper. (pay attention to the consistency between the left and the right when folding, not more on one side and less on the other.)


Step 2: open the filter paper and extend the suture line of the index finger against the bottom of the cone. Press the seam joint with the thumb of the other hand.


Rotate it to fit the open shape of the filter paper.


Step 3: gently pinch the crease and pull it outward, trimming. Be sure to be gentle! Don't squeeze the cone with the other hand)


Step 4: gently pinch the edge of the suture to pull outward to smooth the stitched crease. (also be gentle! (a tapered filter paper is folded.


Ps: the folding of trapezoidal filter paper is only more than that of tapered filter paper. Fold the lower sewing line before opening the filter paper. Other steps are no different from tapered filter paper.


Do you want wet filter paper or not? Before we study this problem, we have to determine what the purpose of our wet filter paper is: (1) to wash away the smell of the paper from the filter paper to prevent it from blending into the coffee and affect the display of the flavor; (2) to stick to the filter cup and rinse the filter paper with water to make it stick to the filter cup and stabilize the extraction; (3) preheat the filter cup and sharing pot with hot water. When you find that the extraction of this pot of coffee is not affected even if the filter paper is not moisturized, this action can be avoided. How to wet the filter paper? Wetting filter paper also has skills, Qianjie baristas found that if the wet filter paper uses less water, the filter paper is not completely wet, which can easily cause the filter paper to not fit with the filter cup, so Qianjie suggests using enough water to make it completely wet when wetting the filter paper. The specific method is to inject water into the center of the large flow first. The small water flows outward and circles around until the filter paper is completely wet.


If you find that you still do not stick to the wall after wetting, it is recommended to gently press the filter paper with your hand before starting to inject water. (it is strongly recommended that the kono filter cup be pressed against the wetting filter paper)


After completing the above steps, a wall-attached filter paper will be ready.

Finally, Qianjie reminds everyone to make sure that the filter cup and filter paper are regular and that the two models match, otherwise the above steps will be meaningless.


Front Street Cafe

No. 10 Baoqian street, Yandun road, Dongshankou, Yuexiu district, Guangzhou, Guangdong province
