Coffee review

Why is latte so popular?

Published: 2024-07-27 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/07/27, There may be many friends who first came into contact with coffee when they ordered a latte recommended by a friend. After the first taste, they found: "Huh?" It doesn't seem to be as bitter as you thought? And a little sweetness of milk? It's delicious! " This led to curiosity about coffee, began to understand coffee and got out of control. What exactly is the latte?


There may be many friends who first came into contact with coffee when they ordered a latte recommended by a friend. After the first taste, they found: "Huh?" It doesn't seem to be as bitter as you thought? And a little sweetness of milk? It's delicious! " This led to curiosity about coffee, began to understand coffee and got out of control. What's so attractive about the latte?

Latte "caff è latte", literally translated as "milk coffee", in a broad sense, Italian machine, mocha pot, French presser, siphon pot, hand brewed coffee, or even instant coffee, with milk can be called latte coffee, and there are no strict production requirements, hot and cold. It is now widely believed that lattes are fancy coffee made from Italian concentrate and milk.


How did lattes become popular from the domestic coffee market?

Since the beginning of reform and opening up, all kinds of coffee have been introduced as imported products. At that time, what people could drink was canned or instant coffee. They were mainly coffee made from Luodou. Luodou was generally baked deeply because it did not have a charming flavor. This also led to the greatest impression of people who first tasted coffee: "it's so bitter."

For most people, bitterness is always unacceptable. When we learned from the coffee packaging that coffee could be drunk with milk, more and more people choose to mix in a lot of milk to reconcile the bitter taste and enjoy the smooth taste and sweet taste brought by the milk. This is the reason why people first drank lattes, although people did not necessarily know how to drink lattes at that time.


After instant and canned coffee, Starbucks and other international chains also began to enter China and expand rapidly. At first, they wanted to introduce Italian espresso to China to open the market, and the concept of "freshly ground coffee" also spread. Independent cafes began to become common, but the taste of coffee still tends to be bitter.

People have gradually found that if you order a latte in a cafe, you can not only drink a cup of sweet and not too bitter coffee, but also get a good-looking pattern, which gradually broadens the audience of latte coffee. some people even use jacquard technology as a criterion to judge whether a cafe is professional or not. Ordering a nice and delicious hot latte and quietly enjoying the atmosphere of the cafe became one of the reasons why people went to drink coffee at that time.


After the widespread spread of the concept of "boutique coffee", the quality of coffee is becoming more and more controllable and higher, and people increasingly realize that coffee is not only bitter, but also has flavors such as flower aroma, fruit acid, almonds, chocolate and so on. For lattes, we no longer want to cover up the bitterness of coffee with milk, but hope to use milk to restimulate the flavor of coffee to achieve the goal of 1: 1 > 2.

If you want to taste the flavor of coffee in more detail, it is inevitable to adjust the ratio of coffee to milk and find out the right concentration. In this regard, the domestic coffee market has also begun to introduce the production of small cups of milk coffee such as Piccolo and Dirty, so that milk coffee can clearly show the flavor of a bean.


When SOE is sought after by many coffee friends and becomes a major online celebrity in the coffee industry, more and more friends hope to taste the concentrated flavor of a single producing area, and at the same time, they also hope that milk can bring more new breakthroughs to SOE and make coffee better, which prompted many coffee lovers to choose milk coffee drinks such as SOE Dirty and SOE.

Therefore, the reason for people who are used to drinking coffee to choose latte may be the different flavor display after drinking coffee with milk, as well as the smooth taste experience brought by milk.


Of course, the latte is only a coffee drink in the final analysis, and the biggest reason why it is popular is that it brings more possibilities to coffee while being accepted by the public.


Front Street Cafe

No. 10 Baoqian street, Yandun road, Dongshankou, Yuexiu district, Guangzhou, Guangdong province
