Coffee review

Which is better, American coffee made by SOE or blended? How to choose coffee beans to order

Published: 2024-07-27 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/07/27, Go into the cafe and order a cup of American style. What beans can you choose from? There are no more than two kinds of coffee beans used in the mainstream Italian style in today's cafes: blended or single-producing Italian SOE. So, what's the difference between these two kinds of coffee beans making espresso? Let's first talk about the traditional espresso, which we usually do.


Go into the cafe and order a cup of American style. What beans can you choose from? There are no more than two kinds of coffee beans used in the mainstream Italian style in today's cafes: blended or single-producing Italian SOE. So, what's the difference between these two kinds of coffee beans making espresso?


Let's first talk about the traditional espresso, which is what we usually call Espresso, which refers to a strong, full-bodied, mellow coffee. Friends who like espresso mostly pursue a strong and low-sour coffee flavor. It is also characterized by rich oil, charming aroma, smooth taste, rich and balanced taste. At the same time, we often order milk coffee, such as latte and Cabo, which are made of Italian as the most basic material. on this basis, it is made by adding different proportions of milk or milk foam.

Generally speaking, the production of a cup of standard Italian concentration needs to meet the following conditions: A. The capacity of an espresso is 25-35ml. b. The dose of coffee powder depends on coffee and grinding degree. c. The temperature of extraction water is between 90.5-96 ℃. d. The pressure is 8.5-9.5 atmospheres. e. The best time for coffee extraction is between 20 and 30 seconds, but there is no mandatory rule.

The conditions may seem simple, but most household Italian machines cannot achieve this goal, which is why cafes must be equipped with a slightly more professional espresso machine.


The blending of espresso is also called mixed coffee. To put it simply, it is professionally prepared by baristas to mix different coffee beans together to achieve a certain flavor of coffee. The more traditional goal of blending is that the flavor is more balanced and the oil is rich, while medium-roasted or medium-deep-roasted coffee beans are preferred.

These coffee beans with different producing areas, different treatments and different flavors all have more or less regional flavor characteristics. Even if the same coffee bean tastes good this year, it cannot guarantee that the local climate will achieve the same effect next year. The advantage of blending is that according to the different characteristics of coffee beans, give full play to their strengths, learn from each other, reconcile with each other, and make a more stable, rich and balanced flavor, so as to ensure the stability of the product to a certain extent.


There are two spellings: spelling, which refers to different coffee beans mixed and then baked together; cooked, different coffee beans are roasted separately, with different baking degrees, and are merged in proportion after baking is completed. These two ways are not good or bad, it all depends on the roaster's understanding of coffee beans and blending goals.


The general matching habit will have a basic flavor and a supplementary flavor. For example, the warm sun matching used by Qianjie stores is 70% Honduras + 30% Ethiopian Yegashifi, with Honduras as the main flavor. It tends to: chocolate, cream, vanilla, fermented wine, citrus. Highlights the aromas of vanilla and barrel fermentation, as well as the acidity and aroma of Yega Chuefei berries. This strengthens the nutty flavor, while increasing the aroma and acidity of the Yega area to increase the hierarchical performance of the coffee. After making the milk coffee, the flavor is more hierarchical, and you can feel the sweetness of caramel without adding sugar.


There is another group of Arabica+ Robusta Robusta beans on the front street. In addition to the basic Brazil, Manning, there will be an increase of 20% Robusta. Espresso with Robusta is generally darker in color, richer in oil and higher in sugar, which makes it convenient to produce lattes and meets the special requirements of many people for oil.

Robusta is high in caffeine, but it is richer in fat than Arabica. The deeper the degree of baking, the darker the color of the oil and the fuller the thickness of the alcohol, which is what Robusta means in blending coffee beans. The mixed beans from three producing areas are characterized by attractive aroma, rich oil, mellow flavor, heavy nut chocolate flavor and strong sweetness with milk.


With the development of boutique coffee, SOE--Single Origin Espresso, a single-origin espresso, is popular in the market. It can be understood as the hand-brewed coffee in the boutique coffee and the single coffee beans in the hand-brewed coffee to adjust the roasting degree for the production of Italian coffee. Coffee beans with strong flavor are concentrated in Italian style, which further increases the flavor of the producing area to the extreme, such as aroma, sweetness and acidity.

When choosing SOE coffee beans, you need to pay attention to the dominant flavor of a single place of origin as well as hand-making. Most Brazilian coffee tastes of chocolate and nuts, while most Ethiopian coffee beans have a fruity flavor. For example, Yega Xuefei's citrus flavor, Kenyan berry flavour and so on. In terms of Italian concentration, compared with the blending of SOE, coffee beans with high flavor identification are usually selected to make espresso with a unique flavor. Pay more attention to the taste to identify coffee, easy to drink a clearer flavor of the producing area. If you choose a single bean with a weak flavor, it will be as plain as water.


The choice of blended coffee is more balanced and stable, the audience acceptance of flavor is higher, the flavor of coffee bean producing area is not easy to identify, and the alcohol thickness is higher. This is why most coffee stores choose to mix coffee varieties.


There are no strict criteria for whether a good espresso or American style can meet your expectations and what kind of coffee beans to choose. The main consideration of both is that individuals have a clear taste demand, and according to their own taste combined with the origin and baking degree to make a choice, there is no question of who is good or who is bad between matching and soe.


Front Street Cafe

No. 10 Baoqian street, Yandun road, Dongshankou, Yuexiu district, Guangzhou, Guangdong province
