Coffee review

Be a coffee enthusiast with coffee

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Individual coffee can best reflect a person's ability to drink coffee. Mantenin coffee is bitter and smelly, with almost no sour taste; Colombian premium coffee contains fruit acid, and slow coffee can taste slightly nutty.

Single coffee can best reflect a person's ability to drink coffee. "Mandrine coffee is bitter and stuffy, with almost no sour taste; Colombia premium coffee contains fruit acid, which can be tasted slowly with a slightly nutty taste; Ethiopian coffee can smell citrus when grinding beans, and lemon can be smelled after production;

Most of the cafes along the five major roads have a small courtyard, quiet, low-key, customers are mostly repeat customers. The reporter followed the coffee fragrance and visited several cafes. More than one interviewee told reporters that the original intention of running a coffee shop is not simply to make money, and there is no high salary for a barista. If it is not "coffee burning," there is no need to engage in this business at all. Infatuated with the mellow aroma of freshly ground coffee, like coffee culture, make a few cups of self-taste in leisure time, strong taste bud function is the basic characteristic of "coffee burning".

A cup of coffee is a luxury.

Every cafe has its owner's influence, ranging from style and business philosophy to a small decoration in the store. Mordern Memory comes from Mordern Memory. The boss likes to collect old objects with a sense of history. The lights and road signs of house demolition will be collected. The plastic dolls, old bags, tables and chairs of the 1980s and 1990s in the cafe all have a nostalgic taste. Li Qian is the barista here, a thin girl with short hair. In her eloquent words, the reporter felt her love for coffee.

"Beans tend to be emerald green. The ones with high moisture content are fresher and lighter in color. They are usually stored for a long time. Indonesia's mantenin beans are more mellow and bitter, Ethiopia's yegaeshifi beans are known for their citrus and aromatic aromas." The region of production basically determines the tone of coffee beans, and the coffee of rare beans is not affordable for ordinary people.

"If someone says,'Buy you a cup of Blue Mountain coffee,' what you're drinking is basically fake." Because more than 90% of Blue Mountain coffee beans are exported to Japan, the rest is in Europe, and very little comes to China." It has to be mentioned that 50 years ago, Japan's financial resources were still meager. Under such circumstances, they would rather spend a lot of money to help the poor government of Jamaica solve the problem of degradation of Blue Mountain coffee beans in exchange for the permanent exclusive global distribution rights of Blue Mountain coffee beans. This is also often mentioned today, the Japanese drink coffee is the most exquisite, because they have exquisite capital. Blue Mountain coffee beans grow at an altitude of more than 2200 meters on the mountains, beans of good quality, acid, sweet, bitter, alcohol is very neutral, taste soft, of course, very expensive. "Beans grown at an altitude of 2000 meters may have similar tastes. Many so-called Blue Mountain coffees are made from several beans with similar characteristics."

Mention rare coffee and mention cat poop coffee. Cat poop coffee is produced in Indonesia, one of the most expensive coffees in the world. There is a wild civet called kaubiluak, which likes to eat ripe coffee fruits. The feces excreted by the digestive system are processed into coffee beans. Due to the fermentation of the stomach, the coffee beans produced are more fragrant and mellow, becoming a hot commodity on the international market. Chasing high profits, local coffee farmers brought wild civets home to raise them for more beans. However, the beans produced by farmed civet cats are much less good and taste. Even so, production of this coffee is scarce.

Coffee burning is only when you taste the flowers

In the sound of the bean grinder, Li Qian began her day's work. "The first two cups of coffee every day are experimental products, in order to adjust the fineness of coffee powder, water temperature, humidity, etc., after noon but also debugging, this is the basis for each cup of coffee." Single-serve coffee is the easiest way to measure the quality of a cup of coffee." She moved skillfully around the coffee machine, and a few minutes later, two cups of espresso were made. "Coffee blackens is a misinformation, caffeine is a better sunscreen, can protect against sun. It is also a misconception to think that espresso is high in caffeine. This 30ml expresso is low in caffeine. Arabica beans are low in caffeine, and caffeine is water-soluble, so the shorter the exposure to water, the less caffeine is released. A cup of espresso can be extracted in about 25 seconds. It is made quickly, reducing the time for oxidation with air. Of course, it is best to drink it in a short time." expresso is rich in fat and mellow, but it tastes bitter, which makes reporters accustomed to the "three-in-one" taste somewhat at a loss. "People who drink it regularly can feel the sweetness. The caramel taste is very strong, and it will sour at the bottom." These taste buds are blind for beginners. Instead, cappuccino made from another cup of expresso had a much weaker impact on taste buds, with a milky coffee aroma.

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