Coffee review

What is the effect of rainy days on enrichment? What should be paid attention to in the steps of Italian concentration production?

Published: 2024-10-18 Author:
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, What makes baristas howl so often early in the morning? What is it that makes caffeine-resistant baristas drink caffeine resistance! After a survey in Qianjie, we finally found the culprit, that is, the wet, rainy weather! The dry and cold weather is not over yet, foggy

What makes baristas howl so often early in the morning? What is it that makes caffeine-resistant baristas drink caffeine resistance! After a survey in Qianjie, we finally found the culprit, that is, the wet, rainy weather!

The dry and cold weather is not over yet, and a series of wet weather such as foggy, cloudy and rainy days follow, which inevitably gives people the illusion that they are in the spring. In wet weather, the biggest headache for baristas is the "adjustment of espresso"! In order to keep the taste of coffee stable every day, what the baristas on the morning shift must do is to adjust and concentrate and correct the taste that has been changed after being placed overnight! Generally speaking, in dry weather, the change of concentrated extraction is relatively small, even if the previous day's parameters are applied the next day, there is a chance to extract roughly the same delicious coffee!

But wet weather is different! Wet weather means that the environment will have a higher humidity, when the humidity is high, the coffee beans exposed to the air will be vulnerable to moisture, affecting the extraction! Moreover, with the intervention of water vapor during grinding, a series of negative factors such as flavor loss will occur.

In addition, there is another reason that will increase the difficulty of extraction! That is-the weakening of pressure! When we are in wet weather, the pressure of the coffee machine is often weakened to a certain extent. What will happen when the pressure is not enough? That's right, the extraction ability is getting weaker! Combined with the two, the extraction will be extremely unstable!

Therefore, in wet weather adjustment and concentration, we must be prepared to "fight a protracted war", lucky people will soon adjust, bad luck. The concentrate tube is full! There are some details that coffee shops need to pay attention to in cloudy and rainy weather!

First of all, to reduce the dampness of coffee beans, first of all, when we are in this kind of weather, we had better close the doors and windows to minimize the external moist air, and under certain conditions, we can even turn on the dehumidification function of the air conditioner and remove the moist gas that has entered the house. When night comes, there will be no beans for a very long time, and the humidity will be heavier during this period of time! Therefore, when we collect the bar, we'd better put the coffee beans in the warehouse into the bean bag and seal the mouth, so as to reduce the exposure to moisture!

Of course, do not forget the soybean warehouse cleaning, because after a day of beans and moisture, the oil they produce will remain on the bean warehouse, if not cleaned in time, then over time, these oils will give rise to a chic stench! (including the cutter head also needs to be cleaned)

Second, properly adjust the extraction parameters of coffee, as mentioned earlier, the wet weather will affect the extraction pressure of the coffee machine, and the pressure will affect the concentrated extraction! However, the extraction pressure of many friends' coffee machines is either unadjustable or troublesome to adjust, so we need to adjust other parameters to correct the concentrated taste! Due to the reduction of pressure, if the daily parameters are still used for extraction, then the water will infiltrate slowly due to the lack of pressure, and the extraction time will be lengthened! Therefore, Qianjie suggests roughing and grinding to increase the amount of powder! The reason is either fine adjustment or powder reduction, or to prevent the grinding is too fine, we also have to add an action to break up the powder (coffee powder caking)!

Third, to maintain the stable wet weather of the product is not like the dry weather, the parameters can be maintained stable for a long time. In the course of the day, beans are constantly changing according to the environment! The ever-changing parameters will make it impossible to use the parameters throughout the day, and the concentrated taste extracted by the parameters you have just adjusted may be very suitable, but in a few hours, applying this parameter may result in a cup of underextracted / over-extracted espresso!

Therefore, Qianjie suggests that if you open a shop, it is best to change the frequency of concentration from one / half a day to once every four hours, so as to ensure the stability of the product to the greatest extent.


Front Street Cafe

No. 10 Baoqian street, Yandun road, Dongshankou, Yuexiu district, Guangzhou, Guangdong province