Coffee review

How is the double ponytail of the mocha pot cooked? Points for attention in using mocha pots!

Published: 2024-10-23 Author:
Last Updated: 2024/10/23, I believe that friends who often use mocha pots have more or less heard or seen the phenomenon of "double ponytails"! It was in the extraction process of the mocha pot that the coffee liquid suddenly changed from a weak and slow flow to an impact "high-pressure water cannon". Then, because there are two outlets of the mocha kettle, the shape is convenient.

I believe that friends who often use mocha pots have more or less heard or seen the phenomenon of "double ponytails"! It was in the extraction process of the mocha pot that the coffee liquid suddenly changed from a weak and slow flow to an impact "high-pressure water cannon". Then, because the mocha kettle has two outlets, it forms two water columns on the left and right, which look like double ponytails, hence the name.

The emergence of this phenomenon shows that there is something wrong with some steps in the use of the mocha pot, or even more than one! All this means that this cup of coffee is likely to produce an uneven or even over-extracted bitter taste. Therefore, Qianjie today will explore with you what factors will make the mocha pot appear such a "double ponytail" phenomenon!

The principle of the use of the mocha pot is that you know yourself and your enemy, and you can fight without defeat. If we want to understand the reason for the formation of "double ponytail", we need to understand how it works. The extraction principle of the mocha pot is similar to that of the Italian coffee machine, both pressurized extraction, except that the pressure is not as full as the Italian coffee machine. The tutorial on the use of the mocha pot can be found in the article "detailed explanation of the use of the mocha pot", which will not be discussed too much in the front street here.

When the water in the sink of the mocha kettle is heated, it evaporates and turns into steam. The presence of water vapor will compress the space under the kettle and create pressure. And these pressures will push the hot water from the bottom up, all the way through the coffee powder into coffee liquid, and then out of the upper outlet! The higher the pressure, the higher the liquid discharge rate, and when the pressure is high to a certain extent, the gushing phenomenon will occur. In that case, we can know that in order to solve the occurrence of the gushing phenomenon, we can not let the pressure be too great. In the use of the mocha pot, there are the following points that can affect the pressure:

First, the storage tank of the mocha kettle with too much water will have a pressure relief valve as the scale, which means the best position to which the water can be added. Once the added hot water exceeds the scale, it means that the overall space is compressed, and when the water in the tank evaporates, the pressure has no buffer space and can only rush up. Therefore, when the water is added too much, it will make the pressure more full.

But you know, the mocha pot is not a coffee machine, the compact structural design is destined that it can not bear too much pressure, once it exceeds its own load, the lighter situation is the emergence of a double ponytail with an arc, heavy so that the kettle body can not bear the pressure, just burst! Therefore, we must pay attention to this aspect!

Second, coffee powder before the rough street mentioned before the mocha pot powder, its particle size is in the position between Italian grinding and hand grinding, will be closer to the Italian flour particles. Because only enough fineness can increase the density, reduce the space for water to pass through, and make the extraction more complete! However, if the grinding is too coarse (close to the fine granulated sugar particles washed by a single product by hand), the resistance will be too low, resulting in the scene of coffee liquid gushing out. Not only that, but also because the hot water passes too fast to fully extract the substances in the coffee powder, the taste of the coffee will be very light.

Third, uneven distribution of powder, whether it is trickling extraction or high pressure extraction, uneven distribution of powder will always make water flow to places with large gaps, and then produce channel effect, which will bring uneven extraction effect to coffee, and its taste can be imagined.

Therefore, when we fill the powder into the powder bowl, it is best to tap the edge of the powder bowl so that the powder can be evenly scattered in every corner, and then fill it with a powder distributor to deepen the relationship between powder and powder. reduce the channel effect.

Fourth, after the coffee liquid starts to flow out with too much firepower, it shows that the hot water in the next pot has been boiling, and the boiling hot water will be evaporated more easily. If the fire is still heated by a large fire after the coffee liquid flows out, then when the steam increases sharply, the pressure will increase in multiples, which will also cause the liquid to burst out as a column of water.

(compare your heart with a mocha pot) so, when the coffee liquid starts to flow out (below), Qianjie suggests reducing the firepower appropriately, or moving the mocha pot directly out of the fire source, so that the steam can be reduced, and the coffee liquid will not be ejected so easily.


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