Coffee review

Coffee machine common sense about the influence of machine difference and filter bowl difference on coffee

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The source of this diary is from the coffee common sense group XLW2007 about the adaptability of the small diameter filter bowl. Because before the game, it is not very clear how to control the situation, and I do not know if I believed Brother Chun, full of blood and resurrection, but the flavor is not right. In fact, there are two broader issues involved. How to control the flow rate on different machines 2. How

The source of this diary is a question from XLW2007 about the adaptability of small diameter filter bowls. Because before the game, it is not very clear how to control the situation, and the game does not know if it is believed in the spring brother, full of blood resurrection, but the flavor is not right.

There are actually two broader questions involved.

1. How to control flow rates on different machines

2. How to control flavor on different machines

The first problem was easy to solve, but the second one was a bit more complicated. But the process of operation is not so profound. To put it bluntly, he just kept trying. Of course, there are some basic premises.

First of all, I asked XLW2007 a question, that is, what is the maximum powder content of Astoria. If you really want to compete, you should seriously criticize XLW2007 students, because in fact, you have not done enough homework. Here, I want to take a good doll, but also another soon-to-be administrator of the Mi students do an example.

Since I will also be able to parameter this year, so will Mi. So we actually started to understand the parameters of this machine a long time ago. One of the most important parameters is how much powder a 53mm filter bowl can hold. Student Mi gave me a copy with pictures and pictures and measured data. I intercepted a paragraph of text he gave me. The reply he gave me was like this:

Seriously! Let's take the example of this machine, because it can't be powered on for various reasons. However, according to various aspects of the index, up to 20g of powder can be deducted. Generally speaking, about 18-19g of powder is already considered relatively full. If I'm racing, they give me a couple of messages, and if I'm making coffee from marzocco or wega machines, then first I have to reduce the powder to the extraction rate I need, and my grind has to be adjusted accordingly. (Refine)

In fact, even if it is the same caliber filter bowl, different machines also need to adjust, for reasons I will detail later. Because in order to achieve the required flow rate, XLW1007 case, the original drip can not come out, then obviously, it is necessary to gradually reduce the powder amount or thickening to achieve the desired effect. Since you need to empty some powder to adjust the fineness of grinding degree, I suggest gradually decreasing the amount of powder to adjust. Eventually you'll reach the flow rate you're going to.

So, to put it bluntly, you don't even need to care if it's 53 or 58, just assume it's a different machine, slow flow, and gradually decrease the powder amount.

During the adjustment process, there are several major premises,

1. Only one variable can be changed at a time. Although experience can sometimes be used to adjust both the mill and the powder. This is not recommended initially. (There is a very important hint here, whether you can guarantee that when adjusting the grinding degree, you can ensure that the powder amount and powder pressing are controlled exactly, and the basic skills are completed)

2. Do not adjust too much each time, otherwise there will be overcorrection at any time.

3. The adjustment was found to be normal and needs to be repeated twice more to ensure consistency.

I found that many baristas are very anxious, a big move, almost used to test luck. Moreover, the amount of powder was also high and low. In the end, it was unknown which link changed the final result.

I believe that there will eventually be a satisfactory flow rate according to this model, but a reasonable flow rate may not bring the right flavor. This will be the next link, how do different machines affect coffee?

I always like to intersperse these discussions with topics. Today, two examples, my roaster Bruno , for example, he is not only a roaster, but also a member of the Australian Fine Coffee Association, I admire him most is two points, the first point is that he can completely according to the customer's flavor to mix and roast the desired style, the second point is almost abnormal sensory sharpness.

But he also has a frustration: he doesn't know how his coffee will taste on all the different machines. So in his roaster room, there are two completely different coffee machines, an expo commercial machine (completely different from our home), and a marzocco linear. Ah... Can you imagine that I am in this room without air conditioning in summer, and two 60kg roasters are rolling, operating the coffee state...

Indeed, this was not the responsibility of the roaster. Theoretically, once the coffee was roasted, the baton would be handed over to the barista.

In the advanced training of baristas, in veneziano, for example, we need to find not only the best flow rate but also the best flavor point in 15 minutes or so without knowing what kind of coffee beans they are. Here's the amazing thing, a lot of good baristas are pretty much the same at the end of the adjustment. (This is also a very important direction that we will talk about in the future.)

So, back to the theme, what difference does the coffee machine have in terms of flavor? To simplify the problem, we assume that the temperature of each machine is the same and relatively stable. This way we can see the problem more specifically.

1. water yield per unit time

This is understandable. We can compare the water outlet to the washing fraction of the bath. If there are many holes in the water outlet and the diameter is large, then the coffee powder bed will have more opportunities to receive water. Flavors naturally differ.

2. effluent pressure

This is also easy to understand. The pressure of water is high, and the speed of water absorption in the powder bed will also increase.

3. Coffee contact surface

The 53 mm and 58mm are mutually exclusive. If you'll bear with me I mentioned a flashback on espresso It was found that if the powder bed area was large (58mm), the probability of flavor absorption at the initial time was increased. But a large powder bed also means a reduction in its thickness. Therefore, we may continue to extract later, if it is the same quality coffee, the color change will be faster, which also means that the fullness will be reduced accordingly.

It should be mentioned here that thickening the coffee cake also reduces the channeling effect accordingly. Because the probability of a hole going to the bottom decreases. Never mind the fact that fresh coffee swells in water

Yeah, I'm probably a little dizzy here. Actually, that's what I came up with when I compared the same beans on a 53mm dalla corte and a 58mm la marzocco. Although dalla corte is a home machine, I tried it many times and got coffee with a completely different flavor than marzocco. The former has lower acidity, but I can make it very mellow, while marzocco has a richer and more unrestrained taste.

To be honest, the second question I gave a lot of information that wasn't very useful. Because this is just an empirical judgment of mine. Not necessarily an axiom. And there may be other factors that dominate, such as dc's temperature stability, dc's pretilt function being completely different from marzocco's, and bowl design.

So what really makes sense is, or on different machines, by trying to control the senses, and this link, I'm afraid it's not as straightforward as it is described online.