Coffee review

Fine coffee is not equal to high-quality coffee.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Without pull flowers, coffee can still be a good cup of coffee, but the lack of high-quality coffee flowers, just like coffee without the soul, no matter how beautiful and delicate flowers are, they are only flowers. Although I like pulling flowers, I can't do it well all the time. I really want to do it well, but I can't find the time. During the holiday for more than a week, I wasted a few packs of milk every day, and suddenly found that I had made some progress.

Without pull flowers, coffee can still be a good cup of coffee, but the lack of high-quality coffee pull flowers, just like coffee lacks the soul, no matter how beautiful and delicate pull flowers, it is only pull flowers.

Although I like to pull flowers, I have been unable to do well. I really want to do well, but I can't find time. During the holiday period, I "wasted" a few packets of milk every day. Suddenly, I found that pulling flowers has improved a little bit, and it seems delicate a lot. In fact, a good pull flower is not equal to a cup of coffee with good taste and aroma. Pull flower is only the decoration of coffee. Good pull flower can make coffee more pleasing to the eye. Without pull flower, coffee can still be a good cup of coffee, but the lack of high quality coffee pull flower is like coffee lacking soul. No matter how beautiful and delicate pull flower is, it is only pull flower. Once in some small shops, I saw some baristas. They only paid attention to the pull flowers in their cups. Whether they were delicate, whether they were well-defined, whether they were this or that, but they forgot one thing. With coffee, pull flowers were pull flowers. Without coffee, pull flowers meant nothing…

The soul of coffee lies in the coffee itself.

Although my pull flower is also very general, but relative to pull flower, I care more, that pull flower below the espresso…