Coffee review

Post-harvest processing of high-quality coffee beans

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, After the harvest coffee bean processing: coffee berries must be processed immediately after picking to prevent pulp fermentation and decay. Coffee beans can be processed in two ways, wet and dry. The drying method is also called the natural method. Spread the coffee berries flat in the sun to dry. In the plantation, 50 square meters of coffee berries are laid on each hectare, or

After the harvest coffee bean processing: coffee berries must be processed immediately after picking to prevent pulp fermentation and decay. Coffee beans can be processed in two ways, wet and dry.

Drying method

The drying method is also called "natural method". Spread the coffee berries flat in the sun to dry. In the plantation, 50 square meters of coffee berries are spread on each hectare, or the fruits are dried in a special dryer. Put the dried coffee berries into two rollers (cylinder) to separate the coffee beans, and then sieve the type of device to separate the coffee beans from the endocarp. Finally, similar beans are screened out according to the shape and size of coffee beans, packaged and put on the market. In the final screening process, round beans (perla/caracolito) are screened out and sold separately.

Wet processing

Wet-processed coffee beans are also known as "washed beans". Wash the fresh coffee berries, remove the pulp, and soak the coffee beans in water for 36 hours to ferment the coffee beans. The peel that is still wrapped on the coffee beans will be peeled off. After rough cleaning, the coffee beans are dried in the sun or in a dryer to remove the last layer of film, so that the coffee beans become "naked" coffee beans. Then select the classification according to the size of coffee beans.

It is packed in a unit weight of 60 kilograms each. Generally speaking, the quality of wet-processed coffee beans is better than that of dried coffee beans.

The process of screening coffee beans, using manual work like the one described above, or machine screening, can select high-quality coffee beans without mixing immature or poor-quality beans. Countries that grow high-quality coffee varieties have long had advanced equipment to screen out the perfect coffee beans.