Coffee review

Chinese Arabica Coffee Yunnan Pu'er Coffee

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, After years of accumulation and development, the quality of Yunnan coffee has quietly risen in the international market, and has become the high-quality coffee favored by the international market after Blue Mountain Coffee. In the eyes of ordinary coffee lovers, the protagonist of the Starbucks marriage with Starbucks is not widely known, but it is understood that Aixing Group is a rapid black in Yunnan coffee industry.

After several years of accumulation and development, the quality of Yunnan coffee has quietly risen in the international market, becoming the high-quality coffee favored by the international market after Blue Mountain Coffee.

Coffee Complex of Aini Group

In the eyes of ordinary coffee lovers, Aini Group, the protagonist of the marriage with Starbucks, is not widely known, but it is understood that Aini Group is a fast-emerging "black horse" in Yunnan coffee industry, ranking among the top three enterprises in Yunnan in terms of scale and production capacity. Previously, it was a master of coffee trade. Aini Group coffee trade access to the United States, Canada and other North American markets, has a number of coffee processing plants, two coffee farms with a total area of 500 hectares. Between 2009 and 2010, Aini purchased and processed approximately 6900 tonnes of coffee beans from more than 4600 coffee farmers.

On January 16 this year, Aini coffee intensive processing production line was officially put into operation in Pu 'er City. Advanced German equipment and technology were introduced to design an annual output of 3000 tons of roasted coffee beans with an output value of 1.2 billion yuan, which has made sufficient preparations for the "handshake" with Starbucks.

After the successful signing of the contract, Liu Minghui, chairman of Aini Group, said that the "marriage" between Aini Group and Starbucks means the realization of his dream of cooperation with the world's top 500 companies. In the future, the whole world should know Yunnan coffee beans.

Starbucks and Aini "marriage" to build a factory

According to reports, the newly established joint venture company will be led by Starbucks, purchase and export high-quality Arabica coffee beans from Yunnan, and set up a coffee processing plant with "optimal processing technology" to ensure the quality of Starbucks raw materials. From the acquisition of raw materials in Yunnan, to the establishment of the world's first coffee planting base, to the establishment of joint ventures with Yunnan enterprises, Starbucks 'coffee business in Yunnan continues to "deepen", which is enough to show that this global coffee giant attaches importance to Yunnan base. "Starbucks and Aini Group established a joint venture company is another important milestone in our long-term contribution to the development of Yunnan coffee industry." "We are committed to helping Yunnan farmers improve the quality of their coffee and bring Yunnan's best coffee to China and other markets around the world," said John Culver, president of Starbucks Coffee China and Asia Pacific. With the establishment of the joint venture, Starbucks will increase the total amount of coffee purchased in Yunnan for its comprehensive coffee products sold globally and establish long-term cooperative relationships with coffee growers in Yunnan.

In addition to establishing a joint venture with Aini Group, Starbucks 'Coffee Grower Support Center in Pu' er City will also open this year, which will provide consultation and support in the field of agronomy technology for coffee growers in Yunnan Province. In addition, Starbucks and Yunnan Province Academy of Agricultural Sciences (Yunnan Province Academy of Agricultural Sciences) Tropical and Subtropical Economic Crops Research Institute cooperation project, namely the introduction of new coffee varieties and their local adaptation experiments are being carried out in an orderly manner.

The mayor came to Kun to sell coffee

Li Xiaoping, Mayor of Pu 'er City, made a special trip from Pu' er to Kunming to promote Pu 'er coffee to media from all over the country at the Aini Group's media meeting held on February 9. He said he came for Chinese coffee, Yunnan coffee and Pu 'er coffee. Because the local discovery reached the world's top level of coffee, some experts say the coffee quality comparable to Blue Mountain.

"I want to tell the world about Pu 'er coffee." From the grade of coffee to the market potential of coffee, Li Xiaoping, who came prepared, talked. He said the coffee trade was the "gold" industry except for oil, and coffee was available in all cities. 150 years ago, coffee came to Pu 'er, and last year Pu' er coffee planting area has reached 439,000 mu, output 28,000 tons. Pu 'er City government wants to build Pu' er into "China's coffee capital," strive for the first place in coffee planting, output and sales, and make Pu 'er a gathering place of coffee culture. At present, it is preparing to build a coffee standard laboratory. At that time, as long as the coffee tested in the laboratory can go abroad.

Li Xiaoping said that in the next 5~10 years, the government of Pu 'er City hopes to expand the planting area of Pu' er coffee to 1 million mu and build coffee into a large industry of more than 10 billion yuan. "Last year, good coffee in Pu 'er can earn 8000 yuan per mu, and the average is 4000 yuan to 5000 yuan." Five years from now, 200,000 people will benefit directly from the coffee industry and 100,000 people will have coffee-related careers."

Now, coffee merchants around the world are hoping to find the region where Chinese coffee has the most say, and Europe's oldest coffee shop has said it will open in Pu 'er. "We have identified the coffee industry and identified this industry, so we will fully support this industry." For Pu 'er tea and Pu' er coffee industry focus, Li Xiaoping said, Pu 'er has three treasures "tea, coffee, Dendrobium officinale". There have been cases of cutting tea trees to grow coffee, but farmers in Pu 'er City can now learn about New York futures prices at home through computers and deal with buyers. They are not blind to the future trend of coffee. Government departments also encourage diversity cultivation, and tea and coffee are symbiotic and co-prosperous, not conflicting.

Integration of local enterprises into international competition

For the cooperation between Starbucks and Aini Group, the personage inside course of study thinks, on the one hand, will improve Yunnan coffee primary processing level, accelerate Yunnan small coffee to enter the international market pace, but also explore a new mode for the growth of Yunnan coffee enterprises; On the other hand, this also means that the international giants have gone deep into the local primary processing from the original purchase of raw materials in Yunnan local market, Yunnan local coffee enterprises will face the competition of international big brands.

Hu Lu, deputy secretary-general of Yunnan Province Coffee Industry Association, believes that Yunnan coffee beans have been provided to overseas multinational companies in the form of raw materials for many years and have always played the role of selling primary raw material products, while enterprises are in a small, scattered and chaotic state. Yunnan's coffee industry bid farewell to the initial stage of the past, and opening up is an effective booster. Borrowing external forces, borrowing Starbucks 'brand, management and quality evaluation standards for coffee beans will help Yunnan coffee truly go to the world and effectively promote the upgrading of Yunnan coffee industry. "We are growing organic coffee. Now we have developed fertilizer for planting. If we can pass the organic certification of the European Union, then the road to enter the international market will be opened." Duan Shaoshan, Chairman of Baoshan Shian Coffee Company, is looking forward to introducing partners. He believes that the main constraint of enterprises at present lies in capital, and if capital is injected through partners, it will speed up the cultivation of organic coffee.

According to introduction, as China's largest coffee producing area, Yunnan Province coffee planting area of 500,000 mu, accounting for about 98% of the country's coffee planting area, and showing a trend of annual growth. Pu 'er City is one of the main coffee producing areas in Yunnan Province. Its climate, geography and soil conditions are unique to coffee cultivation. The Yunnan government attaches great importance to this coffee planting plan. In order to promote the development of coffee industry, the government of Yunnan Province plans to invest RMB 3 billion yuan to increase the coffee bean output to 200,000 tons by 2020, and the coffee planting scale will also increase from the existing 26,700 hectares to 100,000 hectares.

Yunnan Province coffee industry association related responsible person said, Through Yunnan Province at all levels of government, Each coffee enterprise efforts, As well as the international major coffee brands such as torch, Yunnan coffee has been slowly to the world, Is being more and more coffee lovers know, But Yunnan coffee industry to do big and make their own brand, Still need "Starbucks" and other big brands cooperation and support.