Coffee review

Fine coffee common sense coffee filter paper brewing method

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Using filter paper to extract coffee is the most easy and convenient way to make coffee, as long as you spend a little money to buy a filter cup. And filter paper, you can enjoy drinking coffee at home. Follicular coffee can brew high-quality and stable coffee, especially to highlight the characteristics of individual coffee, so many coffee fans who like the taste of individual coffee beans still support the use of brewing to extract coffee. At present, Taiwan

Filter paper extraction is the easiest and most convenient way to brew coffee, with a small purchase of a filter cup (also known as a drip). And filter paper, you can enjoy coffee at home.

Follicular coffee can brew high quality and stable coffee, especially to highlight the characteristics of coffee, so many coffee fans love the taste of coffee beans, or support the use of red to extract coffee, currently Taiwan to Japanese flavor coffee shops, the most common traces of follicular coffee.

To filter paper brewed coffee must pay attention to the quality of water and filter paper, good water quality to avoid brewing coffee has a strange smell residue, and filter paper selection must match the size of the filter cup, when confirmed that the size can match the filter cup, before purchasing.

Coffee is good or bad depends on the beans in addition to external conditions such as water quality factors, brewing mood heard will also affect the taste of follicular coffee, perhaps because the library mood will affect the speed of pouring hot water, and then let the coffee produce a slight taste change it.

1. To warm the cup in advance, hot water can be used to make coffee cup temperature.

2. Fold the filter paper along the gap into a funnel shape, then place it in the filter cup and fix it. Pour the ground coffee powder into the center of the leaky cup covered with leaky paper.

3. Flick the filter paper so that the coffee powder is placed flat in the filter paper, and then place the filter cup filled with coffee powder on the coffee cup.

4. In the center of the filter cup into a small amount of hot water, such as coffee liquid began to drip, and coffee powder expansion to the highest point,(about 35-40 seconds), draw a circle of hot water and then inject him another time, to be expanded coffee powder subsided, and then inject hot water for the third time, when the water injection to about seven or eight minutes full, you can stop. After completion of the drip, remove the filter cup, that is, a cup of coffee extraction.

5. Just wait for the coffee to come out.