Coffee review

Coffee basic knowledge the unique Blue Mountain Coffee in the World

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Blue Mountain Coffee is the best coffee in the world. The Blue Mountains are located in the eastern part of the island of Jamaica, hence its name because it is surrounded by the Caribbean Sea. On clear days, the sun shines directly on the blue sea, and the peaks reflect the bright blue light of the sea. The highest peak of the Blue Mountains is 2256 meters above sea level. It is the highest peak in the Caribbean and a famous tourist attraction.

Blue Mountain Coffee is the best coffee in the world. The Blue Mountains are located in the eastern part of the island of Jamaica, hence its name because it is surrounded by the Caribbean Sea. On clear days, the sun shines directly on the blue sea, and the peaks reflect the bright blue light of the sea. The highest peak of the Blue Mountains, which is 2256 meters above sea level, is the highest peak in the Caribbean and a famous tourist attraction. Located in the coffee belt, with fertile volcanic soil, fresh air, no pollution, humid climate, foggy and rainy all the year round (the average precipitation is 1980 mm, the temperature is around 27 degrees), such a climate has created the world-famous Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee. It also creates the highest price coffee in the world. no, no, no. This kind of coffee has the characteristics of all good coffee, not only full-bodied and mellow, but also because of the perfect combination of sweet, sour and bitter coffee, it has no bitter taste at all, only a moderate and perfect sour taste. It is generally drunk on a single product, but because the output is very small and the price is extremely expensive, it is generally made with coffee with a similar taste on the market.

The "secret" of why Blue Mountain coffee tastes pure: their coffee trees are all on rugged hillsides, and the picking process is so difficult that non-local skilled women are simply unable to do it. It is very important to choose the right ripe coffee beans when picking. Immaturity or ripeness will affect the quality of the coffee. The picked coffee beans are shelled on the same day, and then let them ferment for 18 hours. After that, the coffee beans were cleaned and screened. The subsequent process is to dry, which must be carried out on the cement floor or on a thick blanket until the humidity of the coffee beans drops to 12% 14%. And then store it in a special warehouse. Take it out and roast when needed, then grind it into powder. These procedures must be strictly mastered, otherwise, the quality of coffee will be affected.

[geographical advantage]

Blue Mountain Coffee is the most superior coffee in the world, and the weather, geological structure and topography of Jamaica provide an ideal place. The ridge that runs through Jamaica extends to the eastern part of the island, with the Blue Mountains rising to more than 2100 meters. Cool weather, foggy, frequent precipitation, use this rich soil Rain Water to reconcile. Here, a mixed planting method is used to grow coffee trees to accompany banana trees and avocado trees on terraces. Some small estates are also planted. But even the largest landowners in the region are small-scale growers by international standards, many of whom are small landowners whose families have been working for two centuries. The coffee industry in Jamaica faces a series of problems, such as the impact of hurricanes, increased labor costs and difficult mechanization of terraces. Many small estates and farms are difficult to rationalize.

As Japan has always invested in the Jamaican coffee industry, most of the Blue Mountain Coffee is now owned by the Japanese, and they have also obtained the right of priority to buy Blue Mountain Coffee. In 1992, Jamaica sold 688 tons of Blue Mountain coffee to Japan, 75 tons to the United States and 59 tons to Britain. Now, 90% of Blue Mountain coffee is bought by the Japanese. Now that the rest of the world can only get 10% of Blue Mountain, Blue Mountain coffee is always in short supply, regardless of the price.


From the above we can understand the general production of Blue Mountain Coffee, what we need to pay attention to is the Blue Mountain 99 that can be drunk in China. 9% of them are only grown near the Blue Mountain Mountains, and only coffee produced on 6000 hectares above 1600 meters above sea level can be called Blue Mountain, and the output is always below 900t. According to the principle of 10% supply to the world outside Japan, can this kind of coffee, which can only be consumed by the world at 90 tons a year, be drunk in any cafe for dozens of yuan?

The best Blue Mountain Coffee is undoubtedly one of the best coffee available. Although the price can ensure an adequate supply of Blue Mountain coffee, it does not guarantee the best flavor of the coffee. Also, this kind of coffee tastes much more expensive than it looks. If you want to taste its best flavor, you have to put more coffee beans than other coffee, otherwise the flavor will be a little different, so the flavor is that it has 10% to 15% more coffee beans than the coffee whose price is inferior to it.

The real Blue Mountain Coffee is made from the best local raw coffee beans, which is the official pleasure of tasters. Its flavor is rich, balanced, fruity and sour, and can meet people's various needs. In addition, the high-quality fresh Blue Mountain coffee has a long-lasting flavor, as drinkers say, with a lingering aftertaste.

The best blue mountain coffee beans are NO.1 peaberry, also known as pearl beans, which are carefully selected small round beans and boutique products at an altitude of 2100 meters.

Flavor: the aroma is very full-bodied, with persistent fruit flavors.

Particles: fuller

Suggested baking method: medium baking

The caffeine content of Blue Mountain Coffee is very low, which is less than half of that of other coffees, which is in line with the modern concept of health.

The same coffee tree species, whether planted in Hawaii, Kenya, Papua New Guinea or anywhere else with a similar climate, cannot produce the flavor of blue mountain coffee beans.

Pure Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee perfectly combines the unique sour, bitter, sweet, mellow and other flavors of coffee to form a strong and attractive elegant flavor, which is unmatched by other coffee. People who love Blue Mountain Coffee say: "it combines all the advantages of good coffee & # 39; Coffee Beauty & # 39;" Jim, general manager of Pitt, which is famous for its coffee and tea business in the United States, said of Blue Mountain Coffee: "it tastes fragrant, smooth and mellow, and it makes me feel as precious as a gem. It is precisely because the taste of Blue Mountain coffee is moderate and perfect, so Blue Mountain coffee is generally drunk in the form of black coffee." Its liquid is golden in the sun and tastes smooth. According to the coffee book, Blue Mountain is the only bitter and sour coffee in the world that people can enjoy. Just drink it.

One might ask what makes Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee so special? The answer is everything about it. The real Blue Mountain Coffee is one of the most advantageous coffee growing conditions in the world. The weather, geological structure and topography of Jamaica provide a unique ideal place. Designated Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee can only be grown in the Blue Mountain area, in Kingston, Jamaica is in the eastern north of the island. Coffee grows on a mountain with a maximum height of 1800 meters (almost 6000 feet), which is already quite high for small-grain coffee, and the mountains are very uneven and the process of harvesting is very difficult (coffee harvesting is almost entirely female). The tree is mainly small grain "Geisha High Bred" type. Seeds from these trees have been exported to other countries, such as Hawaii, Kenya, Papua New Guinea and elsewhere, but wherever they go they also have the ability to recreate the taste of Blue Mountain coffee beans.

In the steep and high-altitude mountains, careful farming and harvesting, all Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee is ground, tasted and distributed by the Jamaican Industry Association. The coffee in the cup tastes very clean, and it is one of the sweetest coffee in the world. This taste has been described by Jim Reynolds in Peet coffee and tea: "the best example of Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee is its aroma, smoothness and richness." it makes me feel like a gem. It's as precious as a gem. It's complex, but it's very mild, it's sweet, it's very mellow. You have to taste it in order to know what I'm talking about. Unique growth conditions, and in all the production process are very careful, making Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee very famous.

This time I bought No.1 Blue Mountain coffee beans from Wallenford Manor at 7000 feet above sea level, with a product certificate.

To take a close-up, the real Blue Mountain coffee beans are slightly larger than ordinary beans, round in shape and uniform in size. Beans have a special sweet taste, just smell the fragrance can feel the blue mountain beans are different!

Grind the beans into fine powder.

The best way to make Blue Mountain coffee is to drip filter, so that you can extract the original flavor of the coffee! Since it is the king of coffee, Blue Mountain naturally needs to be matched with the king of trickling filtration-SwissGold! After soaking the powder in a warm cup, start dripping.

Blue Mountain Coffee is a perfect and balanced blend of unique sour, bitter, sweet and mellow taste, coupled with a rich and unique aroma, no wonder coffee lovers all over the world are fascinated by it! High-altitude origin makes it with a little high-quality sour taste, a very small degree of bitterness is short and does not retain in the mouth, into the throat into a slightly sweet feeling, mellow throat rhyme is still more meaningful.