Coffee review

Coffee Common sense Coffee types and brewing methods

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The pure re-cultivation of Japanese charcoal-roasted coffee has created the unique taste of Japanese charcoal-roasted coffee. Xiangchun is bitter and astringent, Hawaii coffee has a strong sour taste and unique aroma, and moderately roasted beans have a strong sour taste. deep roasting flavor please climb a layer of high-rise Blue Mountain Coffee producing area Jamaica, named after the Blue Mountains surrounded by the Caribbean Sea. Sour, sweet,

Japanese charcoal roasted coffee

Pure re-cultivation has created the unique taste of Japanese charcoal roast. Xiangchun is bitter and astringent, and most of them maintain the original flavor of coffee.

Hawaiian coffee

With a strong sour taste and unique aroma, moderately baked beans have a strong sour taste, deep-baked flavor please climb another high-rise building

Blue Mountain Coffee

The origin of Jamaica gets its name from the Blue Mountains surrounded by the Caribbean Sea. The sour, sweet and bitter tastes are very harmonious and have excellent flavor and aroma, which is suitable for individual coffee and moderate roasting.

Java coffee

Origin: Sumatra, Indonesia. It belongs to Arabica. After baking, the bitter taste is extremely strong and the aroma is very light, without sour taste.

Conna Coffee

Origin: Connor area, Hawaii. The coffee beans cultivated by volcanic lava have a slightly wine aroma and a very unique flavor.

Santos Coffee

Mainly produces Brazil, Sao Paulo, Brazil. Sweet, sour and bitter are neutral, moderately sour, special and elegant

Mocha Coffee

Origin: Ethiopia. It has a unique aroma, moderate baking has a soft sour taste, while deep baking gives off a strong aroma, which is occasionally used as a mixed drink.

Brazil Coffee

Origin: Brazilian sour and bitter taste can be blended by baking, moderate roasting soft flavor, moderate taste, deep baking has a strong bitter taste, suitable for blending coffee

Colombian Coffee

Origin: Colombia. Unique sour and mellow taste. Refreshing and alternating thick

Manning Coffee

Origin: Sumatra, Indonesia. The smell is mellow, the acidity is moderate, the sweetness is rich and very intriguing, it is suitable for deep baking and exudes a strong aroma.

Mandeling and Brazilian Coffee

Mixed coffee Mantlin with Brazil, fragrant and delicious, strong and delicious, is the perfect match in coffee.

Salvadoran coffee

Country of origin, El Salvador. It has the characteristics of sour, bitter and sweet, and the best baking degree is moderate and deep.

Kilimanjaro coffee

Sour, sweet, pure and fragrant all belong to the top grade, which will emit sweetness and light sour taste after moderate baking, and soft bitterness after deep baking, which is suitable for blending.

Cappuccino (Cappuccino)

At the beginning of the 20 th century, the Italian Agatha invented the steam pressure coffee machine as well as the cappuccino coffee. Cappuccino is filled with steamed milk on strong coffee. The color of the coffee was like a cappuccino monk covering a dark brown coat with a headscarf. Hence the name of coffee.

French latte (Latte)

It is another change in Italian coffee, with the same brewing steps as cappuccino, except for a slight change in the coffee / milk / foam ratio.

French Milk Coffee

The ratio of coffee to milk is 1:1. When making orthodox French milk coffee, you should hold the milk pot and coffee pot with both hands and pour them into the coffee cup from both sides at the same time.

Turkish coffee

It is a kind of coffee that uses the original brewing method. Today, Turkish coffee is still popular in Turkey, Greece and the Balkans, once ruled by the Ottoman Turkish Empire.

Royal Coffee

Its origin is said to be Napoleon in the expedition to Soviet Russia, because of the extremely cold winter, so ordered people to add brandy to the coffee to keep warm, so he invented this coffee. The freshly brewed royal coffee, in the dancing blue-and-white flame, suddenly sprang up a fragrance of brandy, seducing the expectant taste, and the snow-white cube sugar slowly turned into a seductive sweetness, sipping a sip, making people fantasize about the grace and joy of sitting in a palace.

Green tea, coffee.

It is a pure Japanese coffee. Pour whipped cream into the brewed coffee and sprinkle with some green tea powder. The elegant fragrance and slightly bitter taste of green tea, with the rich and thick aroma of coffee and the slightly round sour and sweet taste, communicate and agitate in the mouth, just like the communication process between the two different cultures of the East and the West. seek a stable balance in conflict and fusion

Richmond's Mandarin Duck Coffee

Richmond's fame comes from the English Rich man, which is translated as "noble gentleman". This coffee tastes delicate, soft and sweet, with the original slightly sour and bitter coffee, delicate and delicious with milk tea, and the perfect romance of the name, it is a very popular fancy coffee loved by young people. Making this coffee is relatively simple and requires a classical stone cup, 120ml's hot Earl milk tea and 120ml's freshly ground hot coffee, which can be mixed together.

Vietnamese coffee

Put the coffee powder in a special metal bubble filter and pour into the boiling water to let the coffee drip into the cup. When the coffee is finished, add sugar or milk and stir it according to everyone's taste. There are two kinds of drinks in Vietnam: cold drinks and hot drinks. Hot coffee is mainly drunk in winter. When brewing, people put the cup in another small bowl with hot water to keep warm. Cold coffee is mostly drunk in hot summer, which is made with ice cubes.

Ole Coffee

French milk coffee ─ coffee with lots of hot milk and sugar

Mandarin duck coffee

A new type of coffee popular in Hong Kong. Half of the collocation, hence the name "mandarin duck". Because coffee is a dry and hot drink, black tea is a warm and cool drink, the mixture of the two can naturally blend, health care. Its complementary effect is enough to meet the needs of all parties. Taste: bitter, mellow, strong

Dripping coffee

Also known as Dutch coffee, originated in Europe, the dripping pot for brewing was invented by an archbishop in Paris. It uses cold water or ice water to extract, through natural osmotic water pressure, adjust the speed of water droplets, extract at 5 ℃ for 4 to 10 hours and leak for a long time, so that the original flavor of coffee can be naturally reproduced by fax. The advantage is that it is not sour and does not hurt the stomach.

Italian Coffee

With a strong aroma and strong bitter taste, a thin layer of coffee oil appears on the surface of the coffee, which is the source of the attractive aroma of Italian coffee. Suitable for those who pursue a strong sense of taste

Costa Rican coffee

Excellent flavor, smooth, strong acidity, high grade, with attractive aroma

Kenyan coffee

Aromatic, full-bodied, balanced and delicious acidity, excellent fruit flavor, rich and perfect taste

Kona coffee

Native to the Kona region of Hawaii, it is a rare species that can only be grown on volcanic slopes. Taste strong, mellow, and slightly with a kind of wine aroma, the flavor is very special. The selected Kona coffee has a moderate sour taste and a gentle and full-bodied taste, as well as a unique mellow flavor. As the output is decreasing, the price is catching up with Blue Mountain Coffee.

Vienna Coffee

"Viennese", the most famous coffee in Austria, was invented by a coachman named Ein Schuberner. Perhaps for this reason, today, people occasionally call Viennese coffee "one-headed carriage".

Mocha Coffee

Produced in Ethiopia. Beans are small and fragrant, with strong sour and mellow taste, moderate sweetness and special flavor.

Irish coffee

Irish coffee is a kind of coffee that looks like both wine and coffee. the raw material is Irish Whiskey plus coffee beans, special coffee cup, special cooking method, serious and persistent, ancient and simple. The Irish coffee cup is a kind of heat-resistant cup which is convenient for baking cups. The method of baking cup can remove alcohol from spirits, so that the aroma of wine and coffee can be more directly reconciled. The Irish know best that whisky has a unique and strong aroma and a touch of sweetness. Irish coffee mixed with whisky can set off the sweet and sour taste of coffee.

Black Rose Coffee

The charming fragrance, bright crimson cherry brandy not only smells of wine, but also exudes an elusive charm. The taste is mellow. Suitable for drinking after meals.

The brewing method of coffee

First, filter paper brewing-the easiest way to brew

[characteristics] the simplest way to brew coffee. Filter paper can be discarded immediately after use, which is more sanitary and easy to clean up. The amount of boiling water and the injection method can also be adjusted. One person can also brew, which is the best way to brew a small number of people.

[about apparatus] the drip can be divided into one hole and three holes. Three holes are used here. The spout for injecting boiling water should be small, so that the boiling water can be poured vertically on the coffee powder, which is more appropriate.

[key points of brewing]

1. Coffee powder is about 10-12 grams per person, while boiled water is 120 grams.

two。 For those who like light coffee, the amount of powder is about 8 grams per person.

3. For those who like bitter taste, the amount of powder can be 12 grams per person and fully boiled.

4. The kettle for hot water injection is easier to operate if it is injected for about seven or eight minutes, and the amount of boiling water is prepared according to the number of people.

5. Heat the beaker without boiling it and pour it into the coffee cup.

6. Do not drop the filtered extract to the last drop (if all the drops are finished, there may be miscellaneous smells or impurities, etc.).


The ① and the next part of the filter paper are folded along the seam and put into the drip.

②, spoon the ground coffee powder according to the number of people (about 10-12g per person) into the drip, and tap a few more times to make the surface flat.

③, boil the water in a teapot, pour it into a small-nozzle kettle, gently pour the boiled water into the center, and slowly spiral the boiling water into the coffee powder until it is covered with coffee powder. Be sure to pour it in slowly.

④, in order to extract the delicious ingredients, steam the inflated coffee powder (stay for about 20 seconds). ⑤, the second boiled water, is slowly injected from the surface of the coffee powder. The amount of water injected must be consistent with the amount of coffee liquid extracted, and the amount of boiling water filtered must be kept at a certain level.

⑥, the extract can be stopped when it reaches the number of parts, and the state of boiling water left in the filter paper will be discarded.

Second, flannel filter brewing-showing the maximum flavor of coffee

[characteristics] the coffee brewed with flannel filter is the most mellow and delicious. However, special attention should be paid to the arrangement and storage of the filter, otherwise the taste of the coffee will be low.

[preparation before brewing] 1. Coffee powder expands after boiling water is injected, so choose a slightly larger strainer. two。 Make the outside of the filter, fully twist the water off the wrinkles and straighten it out.

[about the safekeeping of flannel filter] when using a new flange filter, in order to remove the water paste or smell from the cloth, you can wash it with a brush (do not use soap or soap powder at this time. After that, boil the used coffee powder with water for five minutes before washing it with water.

[preservation method of flannel filter] the filter cloth should be washed well with water after use, and water should be added to the freezer to prevent oxidation. And the water must be changed every day, otherwise the scale will cause clogging of the cloth. When in use, brew it with warm water, then fully wring it out and then use it.


① cloth as the inside, coffee powder 10-12g per person into the filter cloth, and then flatten the coffee powder.

② shallow roasted coffee boiled water temperature is about 95 degrees, while deep roasting is lower, the initial thin line injection, while controlling the amount of boiling water while making a round injection. The coffee powder should be steamed for 20 seconds after brewing, which must be "suspended" during this period. After the second time, the same amount of boiled water is injected in a vortex each time, from the center to the outside and back to the center.

③ do not let the boiled water drop completely, just inject it according to the number of people, and take it out when the boiling water in the filter cloth is still in the remaining state.

At the end of ④ extraction, the coffee liquid should be heated instead of boiling when the temperature decreases. Shake gently and pour into the cup.

Steam pressurized coffee maker-Italian flavor

[feature] the steam pressurized coffee maker is characterized by the use of steam pressure to extract the coffee liquid instantly. Bitter steam coffee is the basis of all kinds of coffee, and it becomes more popular with the increase of years.

[about utensils] Vertical table (for household use) and automatic (mainly for business use), the use of upright table is introduced here.

Preparation before brewing. In order to improve the extraction effect, the coffee powder put in the bucket is pressed hard. The steam in the upper part of the kettle should not be leaked, but should be well covered. two。 Use with the number of people. It is necessary to use a capacity appliance that is larger than the number of people. if the vapor pressure is weak, the coffee drawn will be less delicious.


1. Pour the required amount of boiled water into the lower half of the bag, then gently squeeze the deep-baked and finely ground bucket, about 6-8 grams per person, from the top.

two。 The upper half of the pot and bucket are combined with the lower part of the pot. Especially in the upper half of the pot must be well fastened.

3. Add fire to the set of utensils. When the boiled water in the lower half of the kettle boils, the water column will rise and take it off the fire after bearing the air. The coffee liquid sprayed up from the powder layer through hot water in the upper half of the kettle will be extracted.

4. The utensils are very hot, so be careful not to get scalded, and then inject them into a cup that is kept warm in advance.

Fourth, drip coffee maker-take some time to enjoy making coffee

[features] use cold water and take time to draw out. If you are ready the night before, you can enjoy the fragrant morning coffee the next morning. Be careful not to make hot coffee boil when drinking it.

[preparation before brewing] in order to keep the speed of the drip unchanged during the extraction process, the bolt should not be relaxed. Coffee beans are better roasted and finely ground.


1. Put the amount of coffee powder calculated according to the number of people into the drip and squeeze it gently, then pour in a small amount of water to soak it all.

two。 Put a drip on the beaker and pour a portion of water into the tank on it. (about 300-350 yuan for three people)

3. The lid is closed. In the case of this appliance, it takes three to four hours to make coffee. Hope that when drinking coffee, remove the lid, bucket trough and drip, pour it into the beaker and add fire, so as not to boil and pour into the cup.

Yvlik-traditional Shierchi Coffee

[features] Coffee flow, made of steel called Yvlik coffee utensils with long handles.

[focus on extraction] cook three times, avoid the fire before boiling, and add a small amount of water.


1. Prepare deep-roasted coffee beans (about 5 grams per person) and grind them into powder in a milk bowl or (mill).

two。 As needed, the number of coffee powder plus the right amount of boiled water. Add spices at the same time.

3. Then turn on a small fire, remove the state before bubbling and boiling from the fire, add some water, boil to rest and then add fire, so repeat three times.

4. The coffee powder in Yvlik sank and was quietly poured into the cup.

6. Rainbow tube coffee boiler-enjoy the atmosphere

[features] you can enjoy the coffee while watching the extraction process, which is the charm of the rainbow. It can be used as an ornament. It's just that compared with the dripping type, the operation is a little complicated.

[about appliances] 1. It's troublesome in management, but I'll get better after I get used to it. Glass products should therefore be careful not to damage them. two。 After use, the filter tip should be carefully cleaned, soaked in clean water, and then stored in the refrigerator.

[preparation before brewing]

l. After the boiling water at the bottom is completely boiled, insert the upper part. Insert too early to get the coffee out properly.

two。 Mix boiling water and coffee powder properly in a short time. Spending too much time will make the coffee muddy and the aroma disappear.


1. Fill the bottom with boiled water that has just been boiled by the kettle, wipe the outer water droplets clean, and then heat it with an alcohol lamp. Then the upper funnel is loaded into the filter and the spring is pulled down to secure it. After that, pour in the medium-ground coffee powder according to the number of people.

two。 After the boiling water at the bottom is fully boiled, turn the funnel of the inverted coffee beans into (insert to fix).

3. When the boiling water rises to the funnel, stir the coffee powder with a bamboo spoon to sink.

4. Put out the fire after about a minute. When the fire goes out, the coffee liquid will be filtered through the filter cloth and flow to the bottom.

5. After the coffee liquid has flowed, remove the funnel from above. Shake gently to make the coffee liquid evenly, heat it and pour into the cup.

Coffee percolator-all the rage for a while

[characteristics] it has declined now, but it used to be a popular coffee utensil in the United States. Japan will also be all the rage for coffee filtration pots.

[preparation before brewing] it should be noted that if heated for a long time or boiled over a strong fire, it will cause excess extraction and turn into turbid coffee.

[brewing method]

1. Add a large amount of boiling water to the fire in the kettle. In the meantime, put the coarse ground coffee powder (about 10-12 grams per person) on the back cover.

two。 After the kettle boils, put out the fire first.

3. Then heat it with a low heat, and the extraction situation can be considered, and then put out the fire.

Coffee tasting skills

Tasting coffee is a very delicate thing.

"drink while it's hot" is a necessary condition for tasting coffee, even in summer. If you are not careful to drink coffee in a coffee shop where the service is not so careful, sometimes you will drink half-cold and half-hot coffee. In this way, no matter how good the quality of the coffee beans and how good the brewing skills are, they will lose the original taste of the coffee. When the coffee gets cold, the flavor decreases, so when brewing the coffee, heat the coffee cup in boiling water (that is, the warm cup we often call it) to slow down the cooling rate of the coffee.

In addition to pay attention to the appropriate temperature, but also have the appropriate weight. The first is to add a cup, drinking coffee is not like drinking water or juice, it can be very casual when adding a cup. A full cup of coffee will make people lose interest, preferably only to seven or eight points is the most appropriate. Moderate weight of coffee will not have a "greasy" feeling, but endless ignorance.

Drink coffee at the right amount of 50 to 100 milliliters. Sometimes if you want to drink three or four cups in a row, you should make the coffee lighter or add a lot of milk, but still be careful not to make yourself feel too greasy, lest it backfire. At the same time, we should also pay attention to the intake of sugar. If you drink too many cups, you must add less sugar.