Coffee review

How to distinguish Kopi Luwak with basic knowledge of boutique coffee

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, It will be easier for Kopi Luwak to tell the authenticity mainly in the raw bean stage, especially when the raw bean still has the shell. The so-called bean shell is the endocarp of coffee beans, the outer pulp and exocarp have been digested by our kittens, and the endocarp will be attached to the kitten's poop, highlighting the identity of its rich shit. Take off the beans of Kopi Luwak

It is easier to distinguish the authenticity of cat feces coffee mainly in the green bean stage, especially when the green beans are still carrying bean shells. The so-called bean shell is the endocarp of the coffee bean. The outer pulp and exocarp have been digested by our kittens, and the endocarp will be attached to the kittens 'feces, showing its identity as rich and rich.

After removing the shell of the cat poop coffee bean, the lovely coffee bean is exposed to us in its remaining underwear---silver skin. Ordinary coffee beans are usually emerald green or dark green in color at this time, while cat poop coffee presents a deep yellow-green color due to its unique fermentation method.

Generally speaking, in order to highlight its "shit" characteristics, the real cat feces coffee does not remove the bean shell, or it is difficult to distinguish whether it is real cat feces coffee after removing the bean shell. It is easy to fake it. As for the beans after roasting, it is even more impossible to distinguish them.