Coffee review

Comprehensive data of Chinese Coffee Yunnan Simao small seed Coffee

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Coffee is an advantageous and characteristic industry in the hot area of our city, and it is also one of the main agricultural products that our city exports to earn foreign exchange. In order to standardize the production technology, product standards and marketing behavior of coffee industry in our city, and improve the standardization level of coffee industry, the comprehensive standard of Pu'er small seed coffee was compiled according to the requirements of GB/T1.1 and GB/T1.2. This section defines the terms and definitions in the initial processing of small seed coffee.

Coffee is one of the dominant characteristic industries in the hot zone of our city, and it is also one of the main agricultural products exported by our city to earn foreign exchange. In order to standardize the production technology, product standards and marketing behavior of coffee industry in our city and improve the standardization level of coffee industry, comprehensive standards for Pu 'er small coffee are prepared according to the requirements of GB/T1.1 and GB/T1.2.

This part specifies the terms and definitions, fruit picking requirements, processing methods, technological requirements, packaging, marking, storage and transportation of Arabica coffee in primary processing.

This part adopts the latest research results and practical experience of modern coffee science and technology as far as possible in technical content, which can be used as technical support for primary processing of Arabica coffee. With the progress and development of science and technology, this part will be revised continuously.

This part is a recommendatory standard.

This part is proposed and interpreted by Pu 'er City Coffee Industry Federation.

Drafting units of this part: Pu 'er City Coffee Industry Federation, Pu' er City Coffee Experimental Demonstration Site, Yunnan Pu 'er Beigui Coffee Co., Ltd.

Main drafters of this part: Li Guanghua, Li Zhongheng, Xia Bing, Deng Jialu and Deng Jianping

Part 1: Arabica coffee varieties

1 range

This part specifies the origin, characteristics, adaptability and cultivation requirements of coffee varieties.

This part applies to the identification of coffee varieties.

2 normative references

The provisions of the following documents become the provisions of this part by reference to this part. All subsequent amendments (excluding corrigenda) or revisions to dated references do not apply to this part; however, parties to agreements under this standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of using the latest versions of these documents. For undated references, the latest edition applies to this part.

GB/T 18007-1999

Coffee and its products

the term

NY/T 358-1999

coffee seeds

DB/5300 B35032-89

Arabian minor species

3 varieties

3.1 C.arabica var.typica Craber

3.1.1 source

It is recorded that Ruili was introduced from Myanmar in 1914 and planted sporadically for a long time. In the 1950s, it was introduced to Baoshan Lujiangba and other places for planting.

3.1.2 features

The mature trees are conical, tender leaves are bronze, the leaves are narrow and narrow, the berries are large, early maturity, the fruits are nearly round, and they are not resistant to strong light; the ratio of fresh to dry is 4.5~5:1, the 1000-grain weight of dry beans is 170~250 grams, and 4400~6000 grains per kilogram; the product smells mellow and has good drinking quality.

3.1.3 adaptability

It is suitable for planting in dry and hot areas with irrigation conditions. Rust, fusarium, anthracnose and longicorn are more serious in humid and hot areas.

3.2 C.arabica var. boubon Choussy)

3.2.1 source

Same as Tibica.

3.2.2 features

At the early stage of branch growth, the angle between branches and trunk is 45°, the leaves are wider, the tender leaves are light green, the fruits are nearly round, the berries are smaller, the ripening is slower, the light tolerance, the degree of excessive fruit setting and premature occurrence of withered branches is not as heavy as that of iron pica; the fresh to dry ratio is 4.5~5:1, the 1000-grain weight of dry beans is 170~250 g, and 4400~6000 grains per kilogram; the product smells fragrant and mellow, and the drinking quality is better.

3.2.3 adaptability

It is suitable for planting in dry and hot areas with irrigation conditions without shade. Rust, fusarium, anthracnose and longicorn are more serious in humid and hot areas.

3.3 S288

3.3.1 source

S26 was bred by self-pollination of natural hybrid between small and large seed coffee and Kent seed. It was introduced from India in 1963. The rust resistance test, adaptability observation, yield and product flavor determination were carried out by Yunnan Dehong Tropical Agricultural Science Research Institute. It was popularized after fruit identification in 1985.

3.3.2 features

The tree is tower shaped, leaves are thick and oblong, tender leaves are bronze, berries are nearly round, the ratio of fresh to dry is 4.5~5:1, the 1000-grain weight of dry beans is 160~250 g, and 3400~5800 seeds per kilogram.

3.3.3 adaptability

Adapted to all types of hot zone planting, with resistance to coffee rust physiological race 2 ability.

3.4 Katimo series varieties

3.4.1 Catimor CIFC7963 Source

It is bred by Portugal International Coffee Rust Research Center (CIFC) by crossing Hibrido de Timor with Caturra and then backcrossing for many times.

It was introduced from CIFC in March 1988 by Yunnan Institute of Tropical Agricultural Sciences in Dehong, Yunnan Province, and was popularized after its adaptability cultivation test and fruit appraisal in November 1995.

DB53/T 154.1 - 2006 features

The tree shape is cylindrical, the plant is short, the leaf color is dark green, the leaf is thick, the branch is close, the internode is short, the berry is nearly round, the fresh to dry ratio is 5~5.5: 1, the 1000-grain weight of dry beans is 160~200 grams, and 5000~6000 grains per kilogram. Coffee particles are smaller and commercial competition is weak. Adaptability and stress resistance

Adapted to all types of hot zone planting, drought tolerance, coffee camelot has good resistance, longicorn damage is light.

3.4.2 Katimo P series varieties Source

Originated from Portugal, Nestle Agronomy Department introduced Pu 'er in 1990. Features

The tree is cylindrical in shape, the plant is short, the internode is short, the leaf color is dark green, the leaf is thick, the berry is nearly circular, the ratio of fresh to dry is 5~5.5:1, the 1000-grain weight of dry beans is 165~210 g, and 4500~6000 seeds per kilogram. P1, P3, Pt tender leaves are bronze, P2, P4 tender leaves are light green. Adaptability and stress resistance

Adapted to all types of hot zone planting, drought resistance, rust resistance and bacterial disease resistance is strong, water and fertilizer requirements are large. P1, P2, P3 and Pt had poor cold resistance, P4 had strong cold resistance.

3.5 T8667

3.5.1 source

It comes from Costa Rica.



The leaves are big, the branches are sparse, the tender leaves are bronze, the fruit is bigger, the ratio of fresh to dry is 5.3:1, the yield is higher, and the maturity is slower.

3.5.3 adaptability and resistance

Adapted to planting in various types of hot zones, strong resistance, resistance to known rust physiological races, large demand for water and fertilizer.

3.6 T5175

3.6.1 source

It comes from Costa Rica.

3.6.2 features

The tree type is compact, the leaf size is medium, the tender leaf is bronze, the fruit size is uniform, the fresh to dry ratio is 4.7:1, the dead branch and rotten fruit are few, the yield is high, and the maturity is slow.

3.6.3 adaptability and resistance

Adapted to planting in various types of hot zones, strong resistance, resistance to known rust physiological races, large demand for water and fertilizer.

3.7 other varieties

C.arabica var.arabica is also cultivated in Pu 'er. short seed), Mexico 11 (C.arabica var. Mexico11).

4 Cultivation requirements

4.1 Measures such as seedling planting, deep ditch and more fertilizer, reasonable close planting and strengthening fertilizer and water management were adopted.

4.2 Strengthen the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests, pay attention to pruning and shaping.