Coffee review

Fine Coffee study the flowering process of Coffee trees

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, Coffee flowers: every early spring, milky white flowers are covered with branches, set off by the green leaves perpendicular to the ground, showing more delicate beauty. Coffee flowers exude a strong aroma, do not have some amorous feelings, but the flowering period is very short. Several to dozens of flowers are clustered in the axils of leaves, and the second to fifth flowers are planted on a flower axis. The flowers are white and fragrant. The petals of medium and small seed species are generally 5, and the petals of large seed species are 7-8. Flower tube shape

Coffee blossoms:

Every early spring, milky white flowers are covered with branches, which are set off by the green leaves that hang to the ground, making them more delicate and beautiful. Coffee flowers exude a strong aroma, do not have some amorous feelings, but the flowering period is very short.

Several to dozens of flowers are clustered in the axils of leaves, and the second to fifth flowers are planted on a flower axis. The flowers are white and fragrant. The petals of medium and small seed species are generally 5, and the petals of large seed species are 7-8. Flowers tubular, Terete. The number of stamens is the same as the number of petals, stamen stigma bifid, ovary inferior, generally 2-loculed, but also 1-loculed or 3-loculed. Insect-pollinated flowers, large-grain species and small-grain species can self-pollinate, while medium-grain species can be cross-pollinated.

Flowering habits:

Coffee flowers grow in the axils of the leaves, branches and trunk leaf axils can form flower buds, but mainly on the branches. The flower bud formation of coffee is closely related to the internal nutrients and environment of the branch. the flower buds of medium-grain species began to develop in late July and those of small-grain species began to develop from October to November. Flower buds can also be formed on the branches of that year.

The flowering period of coffee varies with different varieties and environments. medium-grain species bloom one after another in Hainan Island from November to June of the following year, and the flowering period is from February to April. The flowering period of small seed is from March to May.

When the coffee flower bud develops to the final stage, it needs a certain humidity and temperature to bloom. In case of drought or low temperature, the flower bud can not open or open star-shaped flowers. The flowers between normal flowers and star-shaped flowers are called near-normal flowers. The petals of star flowers are small, pointed, hard, unscented, yellow or light red, and the fertility rate is very low or sterile. Nearly normal flowers can bear fruit, but the fertility rate is lower than that of normal flowers.

In the flowering period, in case of drought, irrigation can increase normal flowers and reduce stellate flowers.

Medium-and small-grain coffee flowers usually bloom at 3: 5 in the morning and bloom at 5-7, when the temperature is below 10. The buds can only open at C, and the temperature is 13. When the flower bud is above C, the bud can not open normally.


It will be coffee fruit in a few months.