Coffee review

The growth and change of coffee fruit the color change of coffee in a lifetime

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Coffee has undergone several color changes from seed to cup. The coffee tree has white flowers, and the coffee fruit is born dark green, which gradually changes to yellow in the process of ripening and finally becomes red. The raw coffee bean is wrapped in the coffee fruit, washed, dried and processed before it becomes a coffee seed wrapped in yellow parchment and then shelled and polished into jade.

Coffee has undergone several color changes from seed to cup. The coffee tree has white flowers, and the coffee fruit is born dark green, which gradually changes to yellow in the process of ripening and finally becomes red. The raw coffee beans are wrapped in the coffee fruit, washed, dried and processed to become coffee seeds wrapped in yellow parchment, then shelled and polished into a charming jade green, and then roasted to have a unique color. So much so that the word "brown" was derived.