Coffee review

Varieties of fine coffee beans in Asia and China in coffee bean producing areas

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Coffee producing areas in China are mainly in Hainan, Yunnan, Guangdong and Taiwan. Northern Hainan Island, southern Yunnan Province, located between 15 degrees north latitude and the Tropic of Cancer, its coffee is strong but not bitter, fragrant but not strong, very unique. And with a little fruit flavor, it is the top grade of coffee, which is highly praised internationally. Taiwan is located in the subtropical zone, with many mountains and obvious rainy season, which is not bad for coffee.

China's coffee-producing areas are mainly in Hainan, Yunnan, Guangdong and Taiwan. Hainan Island north, south of Yunnan Province, located between 15 degrees north latitude to the Tropic of Cancer, its coffee is strong but not bitter, fragrant but not strong, very unique. And with a little fruit flavor, coffee is the top grade, international praise.

Taiwan is located in the subtropics, mountainous territory, and there is a clear rainy season, for coffee, it is not a bad growing environment, since the British introduced coffee trees, there are still small-scale cultivation, more famous production areas are Nantou Mountain Huilin (more than 1,000 meters above sea level), Yunlin Kukeng Hebao Mountain (294 meters above sea level). Coffee flavor close to Central and South American beans, with soft acidity and good texture, taste mild.

Yunnan is China's main coffee producing area. Yunnan is located in the subtropical mountain climate zone south of the Tropic of Cancer, with unique plateau red soil, fertile loose soil, mild climate, especially suitable for planting small coffee species.


Yunnan coffee was first introduced by French missionaries in 1902. Up to now, 24 coffee trees with more than 90 years old still grow in Zhukula Township, Binchuan County. In 1914, the Jingpo people of Ruili were introduced from Myanmar to Nongxian Stronghold. Tiebika and Bobang are two classic coffee varieties, which are the main coffee cultivars in Yunnan. Because of the similarity of morphology and habits of these two varieties, they are often mixed and cultivated. The top buds of Bobang are green, called green top coffee; the top leaves of Tibika are red copper, called red top coffee.

After inspecting Yunnan coffee planting and primary processing bases, experts from the International Coffee Organization evaluated Yunnan coffee as Colombia wet-processed Arabica coffee, which is the highest quality coffee in the world.

At present Yunnan coffee is mainly distributed in Baoshan, Simao, Yuxi, Dehong and other 11 prefectures and cities. Among them, the coffee quality of Baoshan and Simao areas is excellent.

Lujiang Dam in the dry-hot valley is Baoshan's "tropical treasure house". The average temperature in the dam is 21.5℃, the highest is 40.4℃, and there is basically no frost all year round. The Arabica coffee cultivated here is strong but not bitter, fragrant but not strong, small and well-proportioned, mellow and fruity.

Simao is located in the upper reaches of Lancang River. It is famous for its steep terrain and is one of the famous Pu 'er tea producing areas in China. At the same time, Simao is also the largest coffee planting area in China. The coffee planting area is about 150,000 mu, and the output can reach 22,500 tons. Simao area is between 1000~2000 meters above sea level. The terrain is mainly mountainous and sloping. It has many dry and hot valleys and barren hills. The soil is fertile, the sunshine is abundant, the rainfall is abundant, and the temperature difference between day and night is large, which is very suitable for coffee growth. Yunnan Simao coffee due to the unique geographical environment and climatic conditions, formed a strong but not bitter, fragrant but not strong, with a little fruity unique flavor. Coffee quality is determined by many factors such as the growing environment, climate and cultivation management techniques. Its best growth environment is low latitude, high altitude, sufficient rainfall, suitable sunshine, but in other areas of this zone, such as Hawaii, Saudi Arabia, etc., or low altitude, or desert little rain, only in this zone Yunnan Simao just has a variety of suitable conditions, so created Simao coffee unique fragrant taste.