Coffee review

Knowledge of boutique coffee culture Vietnamese coffee and French coffee culture

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, I do not know since when, Vietnam has suddenly become the second largest coffee exporter in the world, after Brazil, among which Robusta coffee beans, which make three-in-one instant coffee, are the largest, with an output of as much as 1/4 of the world. World-famous coffee retailers such as Starbucks and Nestl é are all major customers of Vietnamese coffee exports. At present, coffee beans are widely planted in Vietnam.

I do not know since when, Vietnam has suddenly become the second largest coffee exporter in the world, after Brazil, among which Robusta coffee beans, which make three-in-one instant coffee, are the largest, with an output of as much as 1/4 of the world. World-famous coffee retailers such as Starbucks and Nestl é are all major customers of Vietnamese coffee exports. At present, coffee beans are widely grown in Vietnam, and the best coffee beans come from Bangmeishu, Grand Lat Province. the local climate is very suitable for growing coffee, and it has been rated as one of the top ten coffee producing areas in the world. It is not long since Vietnam began to grow coffee. It was only when the French landed in Vietnam and began a century-long colonial rule that they brought coffee, their proudest leisure drink, to Vietnam, where coffee has taken root ever since.

Although the French have withdrawn from the political arena of Vietnam, the influence of a hundred years of colonial rule on a nation is indelible. Perhaps the brand of French cultural life will never be eliminated. It has become a part of Vietnamese culture and will be passed on. Walking on the streets of Vietnam, if it were not for the scorching sun and dark Asian faces, the French signs everywhere would make people feel like they are on the streets of France. In particular, countless cafes standing on the streets and open-air cafes made of brightly colored canvas make Vietnam show a bit of French style in Asian countries.

There are many kinds of cafes in Vietnam. One is cafes with fixed storefronts. Like most cafes, they provide customers with all kinds of coffee and some refreshments. You can choose to spend half a day here. In Vietnam, there are several such cafes in less than a kilometer on the street, and there are three steps and one shop on the bustling avenue. The other is open-air cafes, which have no face. when they open for business, the boss will move a chic small high table and some chairs from his home in the alley deep in the street and put them in the shade of trees, or put up an umbrella to do business in the street. people who like sunbathing will casually sit down and order a cup, while enjoying the motorcycle beauties driving by on the street, while enjoying the mellow Vietnamese coffee. The other is the most special, there is no storefront, no table, no sunshade, only a wheelbarrow and a cool Vietnamese boy are selling coffee, this kind of mobile cafe is actually the most popular, they are all over the streets, wander in the middle of the city, and stop where there is business. If pedestrians want a drink, just wave and enjoy it.