Coffee review

Standard for grading coffee beans

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, There are two ways to grade coffee beans, one is to filter the number of points, one is to elevation points. It is divided by the filter number and the size is determined by the mesh size. Round beans are generally smaller than flat beans, round beans between 8-13, flat beans between 12-29. 8,9,10... 12,13... 18... 29 = Small, Medium, Normal... It's a big... big, extra big. The bigger the number, the bigger the bean. Like SC

There are two ways to classify raw coffee beans, one is the filter number, and the other is the elevation.

It is divided by the number of the filter screen, and the size is in the unit of the screen (size).

Round beans are generally smaller than flat beans, between 8-13 and 12-29.

8, 9, 10. 12, 13. 18. 29 = > small, medium, ordinary. Quasi-big. Big, extra large. The bigger the size, the bigger the beans. SC-19, for example, is the No. 19 bean.

Grade by level

According to the elevation of the cultivated land, it can be divided into seven grades. Generally speaking, the quality of highland beans is better than that of lowland beans, and the price is higher because of the increase in freight.

Sequence number equal order abbreviated elevation

1 selected quality beans S.H.B 4500 ~

2 good coffee beans H.B 4000mm 4500

3 medium coffee beans S.H 3500 million 4000

4 super high-grade washed coffee beans E.P.W 30003500

5 first-class washed coffee beans P.W 250000 3000

6 special water washed coffee beans E.G.W 2000 2500

7 High quality washed coffee beans G.W ~ 2000

Grading purpose: to make the size of raw beans uniform, which is conducive to the baking operation, and improve the value of raw beans.

Screen diameter

The size of the international practice is 9: 22, and the number used represents the diameter of the screen, with this number as the numerator and 64 as the denominator, in inches. For example, 14 refers to raw coffee beans that can be sifted through a 14-inch screen with a diameter of 64 inches, and 19 + refers to raw coffee beans that can be sifted with a diameter of more than 64 inches with a 19-inch screen.

Grading standard and code name

The governments of each coffee-exporting country set their own grading standards and code names.

Common grading standards

Block transactions:

The proportion of bad beans

Bean size

Soybean grain hardness

Single coffee (specialty coffee):

Name of the farm where it is produced

Organic cultivation (organic)

Fair trade (fair trade)

African countries-Kenya kenya

PB: peaberry

AA Plus-plus

AA plus

AA: Screen 17 and 18

AB: screen 15 and 16



African countries-Ethiopia

300 grams of raw beans as the basis for calculation

1: 0-3 defects

2: 4-12

3: 13-25

4: 20-45

5: 46-100

6: 101-153

7: 154-340

8: over 340 = substandard

South America-Colombia

Maragogype: special trees Marago Rippi, elephant bean

Supremo: screen > 17

Excelso: screen 15-16.5

UGQ: Usual Good Quality: Screen 12-14

South America-Brazil

Type Defects (COB) (New York) (Le Havre)

2 4 6 8

2/3 8 9 12.5

3 12 13 17

3/4 19 21 23.5

4 26 30 30

4/5 36 45 58.5

5 46 60 87

5/6 64 123

6 86 158

Central America-Guatemala

Good Washed: altitude 700m (GW)

Extra Good Washed: 700Universe 850m (EGW)

Prime Washed: 850Universe 1000m (PW)

Extra Prime Washed: 1000Universe 1200m (EPW)

Semi Hard Bean: 1200Compact 1350m (SH)

Hard Bean: 1350max 1500m (HB)

Fancy Hard Bean: 1500Comp1600m (FHB)

Strict Hard Bean: 1600thumb 1700m (SHB)

Central America-El Salvador

Washed washing

Central Standard: 5000000m (CS)

High Grow: 9001,200m (HG)

Strictly High Grown: > 1200 m (SHG)

Natural sun exposure




Hawaii, Kona.

Kona Extra Fancy: screen 19 maximum 10 defects

Kona Fancy: Screen 18 max. 16 defs.

Kona Prime: no size requirement max. 25 defs.

Kona Caracoli No.1: Screen 10 max. 20 defs.

Jamaica jamaica

Blue Mountain

High Mountain Supreme

Prime Washed Jamaica aica

Grade Grade

Grade I: screen 18

Grade II: screen 17

Grade III: screen 16



300g raw beans are calculated based on Grade based on 300g.

1: 11 defects

2: 12-25

3: 26-44

4a: 45-60

4B: 61-80

5: 81-150

6: 151-225