Coffee review

Coffee making about Espresso Coffee

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, The Chinese name Espresso espresso has always been easy for many people to misunderstand. Espresso is a kind of comprehensive coffee, a method of baking, a kind of coffee brewing, a kind of cooking, and a kind of life. Then let's learn what Espresso is. Literally Espresso is Italian, equivalent to Espress in English, with on the spur of the moment and f

The Chinese name of espresso has always been easy for many people to misunderstand. Espresso is a kind of comprehensive coffee, a kind of roasting method, a kind of coffee brewing, a kind of cooking, and also a kind of life. Next, let's learn what "Espresso" is.


Literally "Espresso" is Italian, equivalent to "Espress" in English, and it means on the spur of the moment and "for you" to cook it for you right away. But in Italy, a cup of espresso is not called "Espresso" but cafe. Because for Italians, only Espresso can be called coffee.


Espresso is coffee made through semi-automatic or fully automatic espresso machines. Coffee beans after the correct thickness of grinding and the right amount of powder use, using 92 degrees Celsius water temperature and 9bar pressure, through the pressed powder to get the extracted coffee.


The most fascinating thing about Espresso is the golden foam on the surface, and how it is produced is also what people are most curious about. When the coffee is roasted, the cell wall of the coffee bean will be filled with a lot of gas, which will slowly remove the gas over time.


When extracting coffee, when the ground coffee powder is soaked in hot water, the gas will be squeezed to the outside of the cell wall because of hot expansion and cold contraction; and the coffee extracted by hot water also contains some oily substances. the coffee liquid can be emulsified to cover its gas with the extruded gas, resulting in fine bubbles.