Coffee review

Coffee Common Sense A good Espresso is a visible tiger spot

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, A good Espresso is one with tiger spots visible! What is tiger spot? Creme, an amber foam that floats on the surface of espresso coffee. Coffee fat is a combination of emulsion and foam colloid, composed of vegetable oil, protein and sugar. Espresso is stronger than drip coffee because it contains more dissolved matter per unit volume

A good Espresso can see tiger spots! What is tiger spot? Coffee fat (creme), an amber foam floating on the surface of espresso. Coffee fat is a combination of emulsions and foam colloids, made up of vegetable oils, proteins and sugars. Because it contains more dissolved matter per unit volume, espresso has a thicker texture than water drop coffee.