Coffee review

Coffee taste includes three aspects: smell, taste and taste.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, There are 18 kinds of odors: animal, ash, coke, chemicals, chocolate, caramel, roasted sweet potato, earth, flowers, fruit, grass and vegetables, almonds, sour rot, rubber, spicy, tobacco, wine, wood. The most basic flavors are sour, bitter and sweet. Sour taste is a basic flavor of coffee, made up of organic fruits.

There are 18 kinds of smells: animal smell, soot smell, burnt smell, chemical smell, chocolate, caramel smell, baked sweet potato smell, earthy smell, flower smell, fruit smell, grass vegetable smell, almond smell, sour smell, rubber smell, spicy smell, tobacco smell, wine smell, wood smell.

The basic flavors are sour, bitter and sweet. Acidity is a basic taste of coffee, caused by organic acids, such as citric acid and malic acid. Second is the bitterness in coffee taste caused by caffeine, quinine and alkaloids, which is another basic taste of coffee. Good coffee has a certain degree of bitterness. Coffee contains sucrose and fructose, which cause coffee's moment taste and describe one aspect of coffee flavor.

A third aspect of coffee is the taste. First of all, strong feeling, coffee after drinking, some very strong, the whole mouth has a sense of fullness, and a long time table will disappear, this is a good coffee. Some coffee drink up like a cup of clear water, a touch of it, without any feeling, lost the rich aroma of coffee. Another taste of coffee is astringency, which is a particularly dry aftertaste that people don't like.