Coffee review

Coffee bean quality and good or bad judgment method Coffee common sense

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Good coffee beans are intact. The particle size of a single coffee bean will be the same, but the coffee beans are not necessarily the bigger the better. Good coffee beans are shiny and consistent in color. Good quality coffee beans will be crisp and crumble in one bite. Smell for other bad smells. A good cup of coffee is clear and transparent. brewed

咖啡豆品质及好坏 判断

Good coffee beans are intact in appearance.

The granules of individual coffee beans will be the same, while mixed coffee may not be the same, but the bigger the coffee beans, the better.

Good coffee beans will be shiny and consistent in color.

High-quality coffee beans will be crisp and crushed as soon as they are bit.

Smell if there are any other bad smells.

A good cup of coffee will be clear and transparent.

The long-lasting aroma of brewed coffee is the proof of quality.

The sour taste in the mouth is normal, but not if it lasts too long. It is good coffee to produce a soft acidity in the throat.

The bitter taste is usually shoddy coffee.

The transformation from bitter to sweet is the skill and condition of a good cup of coffee.