Coffee review

The benefits of coffee drinking coffee in moderation can prevent many diseases

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, As the saying goes, the plan of the day is in the morning. A cup of mellow and delicious espresso every morning can make people clear-headed, refreshed and confident. A bitter mixed drink can make people sad. More than a billion people start their day by drinking a cup of coffee first thing every day. Coffee has become the second most popular drink in the world after oil.

适量饮用咖啡 能预防许多疾病

As the saying goes, the plan of the day is in the morning. A cup of mellow and delicious espresso every morning can make people clear-headed, refreshed and confident. A bitter mixed drink can make people sad. More than a billion people start their day by drinking a cup of coffee first thing every day.

Coffee has become a drink second only to water and the second largest economic industry in the world after oil. It has become an important part of human economic, physiological and social history, and this trend will continue. Every day, millions of consumers flock to the coffee shop for a "special" double espresso or latte.

However, many people think that drinking coffee is a sinful enjoyment. One of the reasons is that many people think that coffee contains only caffeine, which is bad for your health. In fact, in addition to caffeine, coffee also contains a variety of bioactive compounds that are good for human health, such as antioxidants, minerals, niacin and lactone. This book will unveil the mystery of coffee and prove that drinking a moderate amount of coffee can actually prevent many diseases.

From the first use of coffee, it has influenced and changed the social customs from commercial activities to daily leisure and entertainment. "Coffee time" has become an important part of modern life in the West. In fact, impressive new research data show that junk food has a higher incidence of obesity, diabetes, dental and heart disease than junk food, while moderate consumption of coffee can prolong life and increase happiness. In the case of long-term drinking, the mortality rate of coffee lovers is lower than that of non-coffee drinkers and junk food consumers. Modern coffee studies, covering all stages from plants to finished drinks, have fully proved that coffee is a healthy drink. These new findings confirm that regular moderate consumption of coffee is not only harmless, but also has health effects on the body and brain. If we all had a cup of hot coffee, the world would be a better place. Although delicious Java coffee won't solve all our problems, it will certainly help us.

Modern studies have shown that drinking coffee every day can prevent depression and suicide, alcoholism, liver cirrhosis, adult diabetes, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease and gout. In addition, coffee increases alertness, allows us to make more effective use of the forehead cerebral cortex, improves attention and memory, and can be used as a free radical scavenger-antioxidant, reducing the oxidation of free radicals to tissue. Coffee also contains compounds that prevent the formation of gallstones. In addition, coffee may also prevent colon, liver, breast, uterine and skin cancer, helping to prevent tooth decay. As long as you brush your teeth often, it is a myth that coffee will blacken your teeth. Coffee has a protective effect on the cardiovascular system, and moderately roasted coffee can combat alcohol addiction (opioid antagonists). Coffee also has a mild weight loss effect, it can improve long-term exercise endurance and help relieve the symptoms of bronchial asthma. Coffee is good for drivers and students at all grades of the school, especially compared with the junk drinks in the school canteen. So coffee has naturally become the largest beverage crop in the world.