Coffee review

How is tiamo mocha pot? tiamo mocha pot has its advantages and disadvantages.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, How about tiamo mocha pot? TIAMO mocha pot is a relatively high-end mocha pot in the domestic market at present. Japanese tiamo mocha pot uses medical advanced stainless steel, never rusts, and is safe and reliable. It is the first choice for many friends to buy mocha pots. Of course, the price of tiamo mocha teapot is also relatively high, what are the advantages and disadvantages of tiamo mocha kettle besides material? Ti

How about tiamo mocha pot? TIAMO mocha pot is a relatively high-end mocha pot in the domestic market at present. Japanese tiamo mocha pot uses medical advanced stainless steel, never rusts, and is safe and reliable. It is the first choice for many friends to buy mocha pots. Of course, the price of tiamo mocha teapot is also relatively high, what are the advantages and disadvantages of tiamo mocha kettle besides material?

Tiamo摩卡壶纯不锈钢摩卡咖啡壶-玛加款6人份  tiamo摩卡壶好不好

Tiamo mocha pot pure stainless steel mocha coffee pot-Macca style for 6 people

Advantages of Tiamo mocha pot:

1. When heated, the reaction is extremely fast, the shape is classic, and the high-grade medical stainless steel is sturdy, durable and safe.

The 2.Tiamo stainless steel mocha pot is so strong that it is not easy to damage, and sometimes it can continue to be used even after it is heated and cooled.

Disadvantages of Tiamo mocha pot:

1. The aluminum pot is fragile, if it is not careful, it will be scrapped, such as too much twisting force and frequent violence, which will make it broken, and if you are not too diligent to clean it in time, it will leave black spots, which is very difficult to clean.

two。 The bottom of stainless steel kettle is easily yellowed and cannot be cleaned in use.