Coffee review

The correct use of French pressure kettle for extracting coffee

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, French pressure pot, also known as French filter kettle, is also known as tea maker in China, because many French pressure pots are used to brew black tea, so people in China generally like to call it a tea maker. In fact, any single product of coffee is suitable for French filter pots. Soaking the extracted coffee with hot water close to 100 degrees can completely extract the original flavor of coffee beans, which is very convenient.

French pressure pot, also known as French filter kettle, is also known as tea maker in China, because many French pressure pots are used to brew black tea, so people in China generally like to call it a tea maker. In fact, any single product of coffee is suitable for French filter pots. Soaking the extracted coffee with hot water close to 100 degrees can completely extract the original flavor of coffee beans, which is very convenient. Today, the editor told you about the correct use of pressing pot to extract coffee.


French filter kettle

The way of extracting coffee by pressing pot: soak in boiling water and release the essence of coffee by stewing in full contact with coffee powder.

Suitable for coffee: any single coffee is suitable

Grindability of coffee powder: coarse granule.

The correct use of extracting coffee by pressing pot:

1. Warm the kettle and coffee cup with hot water. If it is the first time to use it, it must be washed and tested several times before using it.

2. Pull out the filter group of the filter kettle. Pour out the water from the filter kettle and put 15 to 20 grams of coffee powder in the kettle.

3. Put the kettle at an angle of 45 degrees, pour into 200ml hot water of about 95 degrees, straighten the kettle and let it stand for 3 to 4 minutes, let the hot water come into full contact with coffee powder and extract coffee.

4. Stir the coffee powder with a bamboo stick to float the coffee oil on the top.

5. Put on the filter group and gently press the pressure bar to the end, so that the coffee grounds are filtered out, and the rest is delicious coffee.