Coffee review

High-quality coffee beans common sense why coffee beans produce oil?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, People who like to grind their own coffee beans have this feeling that there will be a layer of oil-like substance on the surface of coffee beans, which is called coffee oil, but in fact, this layer of oil-like substance is not coffee oil, so why do coffee beans produce oil? The changing process of oil production of coffee beans the oil evenly distributed on the surface of coffee beans is actually not oil, but a seemingly oil.

People who like to grind their own coffee beans have this feeling that there will be a layer of "grease" on the surface of coffee beans, which is called coffee oil. In fact, this layer of oil-like substance is not coffee oil, so why do coffee beans produce oil?


The changing process of oil production from coffee beans

These "oils" distributed evenly on the surface of coffee beans are actually not "oils", but water-soluble organic substances that look like oils.

Oiled coffee beans can basically be determined to be stale coffee beans, of course, in addition to deep-roasted fresh coffee beans, there are two main reasons for the emergence of oil from coffee beans:

A stale shallow baked beans b fresh deep baked beans.

The fresh light roasted beans, which are light brown in appearance, will not produce oil after baking, and the oil will appear about six days after baking (there are dots of oil on one side of the coffee beans). At this time, the coffee beans are not fresh, but the quality will decline accordingly compared with the freshly baked beans. Of course, lightly roasted coffee beans show dots of oil, which is sometimes a sign that the flavor has reached its peak. When the coffee beans are out of the oven for more than two weeks, there is a bright glow on the surface of the shallow baked beans. At this time, the flavor quality of the shallow baked beans has been difficult to be guaranteed and should be avoided.

Fresh deep-baked beans with dark brown appearance show slightly glossy appearance after baking, and a large amount of oil begins to appear on the surface from the second day to the fifth day after baking. The well-oiled deep-baked beans do not mean that they are not fresh. On the contrary, the deep-baked beans will gradually dry out three weeks after they are baked, and finally become dry-flavored beans.

Understand why coffee beans are out of oil when buying roasted coffee beans, be sure to see the baking date clearly, try to have a better baking date within a week, and drink it within two days after opening it for the best.