Coffee review

The respective expressions and questions of the introduction years of Zhukula Coffee in Chinese Coffee Culture

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, 1.1 I remember that it was still the spring of 1995, when Professor Mao Genhai of the former South China Hot farming Academy and I went to Xishuangbanna, Yunnan Province. I had the honor to see Huang Junxiong and Zhang Xingcan, Institute of Tropical and Subtropical Coffee, Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, published a paper on the development of Yunnan coffee in 1994 in the third issue of Tropical crop Science and Technology, from which we got the information about the earliest introduction of Yunnan coffee.

1.1 I remember that it was still the spring of 1995, when Professor Mao Genhai of the former South China Hot farming Academy and I went to Xishuangbanna, Yunnan Province. I had the honor to see Huang Junxiong and Zhang Xingcan, Institute of Tropical and Subtropical Economic crops, Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, published in 1994 in the third issue of Tropical crop Science and Technology, "Review and Prospect of Yunnan Coffee Development", from which we got the information about the earliest introduction of Yunnan coffee. The article wrote that "in 1902, French missionaries, starting from their own consumption habits, were introduced to Binchuan Zhu Kula, which is 26 degrees north latitude and 1400 meters above sea level." as a result, the place name of "Binchuan Zhu Kula" shines in my mind. and become a small village that I have always dreamed of and yearned for.

1.2 the author has carefully studied a paper entitled "the Origin, Development, spread and Beverage Culture of Coffee" published by Professor Zhang Jian of Sichuan University in 2006, which pointed out that "in Chinese academic circles," there are no papers and monographs on coffee from the perspective of agricultural history and custom history, nor have they seen a chapter, section or item about coffee in any agricultural history book, historical geography book or diet history book. It is Professor Zhang's many expositions that influence and spur our generation of coffee workers to shoulder this sacred historical mission to fill the gaps in this field.

1.3 since March 2008, a company in Yunnan has convened nearly 100 newspapers, magazines, television, radio, news agencies and network media from the central government, inside and outside the province. According to the needs of the news event itself, it takes the form of on-the-spot interviews, symposiums, meetings, and so on. " In 2008, the media published and broadcast more than a thousand pieces of news, newsletters, special features and other works about (a company). All of a sudden, it was revealed that the "living fossils" of Chinese coffee in 1892, the "birthplace" of Chinese coffee, the "ancestor" of Yunnan small-grain coffee, "his father and Father Tian were good friends", "the ancestor of Chinese coffee" and so on. According to the caliber of the press release, Binchuan Zhu Kula bitter Coffee was introduced in 1892. In view of this, China's experts and scholars engaged in tropical agriculture, coffee workers, all coffee lovers and consumers are somewhat surprised by the sudden soft publicity reports.

1.4 there are three issues that need to be clarified scientifically:

1.4.1 is the introduction age of Zhukula "1892" or "1902"?

1.4.2 is the coffee introduction French missionary Tian Deneng (Chinese name) and the Zhukula church he funded are "Christian" or Catholic?

1.4.3 is Zhukula Coffee "the birthplace of Yunnan small-grain coffee"? Or just one of the early introduction sites of coffee in China.

2. The introduction of Zhukula coffee was calculated and investigated in 1902.

2.1 Winter 1981. Ma Xijin, associate researcher and deputy director of the Tropical and Subtropical Economic crops Research Institute of Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, conducted an on-the-spot scientific investigation of Zhu Kula coffee. The "senior member" that Professor Ma saw at that time was Qi Yongqing, the father of the living old man Qi Guanghui (interviewed at the age of 78, born on July 7, 1903, and died on October 7, 1986 at the age of 86).

2.1 on January 3, 2009, Chen Qing, a reporter published by the Public Information Network of the people's Government of Binchuan County, said: "in the last two days of 2008, 10 reporters from Xinhua News Agency Yunnan Branch, China News, China Economic Times, Jiangnan Travel News and other eight media walked across" 99 bays and 88 ridges "to Zhu Kula, an isolated fairyland. Carry on the omni-directional exploration and investigation to collect first-hand materials for opening up Zhu Kula adventure tourism and carrying forward the ancient coffee culture. In other words, at that time, 10 journalists from eight media all took the "press releases" mentioned above and made a surprise visit to the village of Zhu Kula. they interviewed two old people, Li Fusheng and Qi Guanghui, and in the winter of 1981, Professor Ma calculated the father of the two old people during his scientific research visit and coffee introduction.

2.2 there is a public written record in the interview between Professor Ma and Qi Yongqing: "as a missionary servant at that time, according to an elderly member, this coffee tree was planted by the original French Catholicism and was specially sent to the Dali Cathedral in addition to its own processing and drinking after harvest. Coffee is a small seed species beside the church and comes from an ominous source. It is estimated that it was planted in 1902 (the 28 year of Guang Xu of the Qing Dynasty), and it has reached the age of 80 this year. "4" however, in "in 2008, the media published and broadcast more than a thousand news, newsletters, special works about Hougu Coffee", all expressed as 1892, a full 10 years in advance. So, which statement should prevail? A survey was carried out on the difference between the estimated age of this early field trip and the whole decade of media description more than 20 years later. In order to respect history and find the basis, the author reads and collects, visits seminars, and goes to libraries, archives and government departments to read books and documents and sources.

2.3 the earliest scientific investigation of professional coffee scientists in China was in the winter of 1981. Ma Xijin, associate researcher and deputy director of the Tropical and Subtropical Economic crops Research Institute of Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, conducted an on-the-spot scientific investigation of Zhu Kula coffee and published a report on the investigation. "after seeing the coffee tree planted by Zhu Kula in Binchuan in 1902, although it has reached the age of 80, it has not only not seen its old state, but can still grow and bear fruit normally. And verified as the existing small-grain coffee tree in China, the oldest is frequently thought-provoking, it at least explains and provides: 1, shrubs or small tree plants, due to weak growth, the general life is not too long, but Zhu Kula's small-grain coffee tree has been planted for 80 years, it can still grow normally, indicating that the vitality of this species can be called exuberant. 2. For the diseases and insect pests such as longicorn beetles and rust that pose the greatest threat to the life span of small-grain coffee trees, we have not found such diseases and insect pests or their victimized remains in the investigation, which further proves that in the vast dry and hot, high latitudes and middle altitude areas like Yunnan, the longevity of small-grain coffee trees is not only because the climatic conditions can meet their growth requirements, but also the diseases and insect pests that pose the greatest threat to them are light and are not easy to cause disasters. Third, Zhu Kula small seed coffee tree has not only survived for 80 years, but also can still bear fruit and grow normally, and has a higher income, which shows that this variety has a long economic life and high income benefit, and is worthy of the reputation of "cash cow". It has further strengthened our confidence and determination to actively study and develop for the benefit of the people. Fourth, the past production at home and abroad, research data pointed out: small seed coffee has been put into production for several years, it must be artificially renewed in order to gain vitality and make it grow and bear fruit continuously. In management, in order to facilitate picking, the top can be removed after growing to a certain height, but from the perspective of Zhu Kula's old coffee tree, it has the ability of natural regeneration and continuous growth and fruiting, and if the top is taken off too early, whether it can cause the tree to decline prematurely and the yield is unstable needs to be further discussed. Fifth, in terms of species, it is still a heterozygous group. The red top plant (Tieka variety) accounts for 31%, and the green top plant (Bobang variety) accounts for 69%, which is opposite to the proportion of the population combination of Dehong and Baoshan small grain species, which proves that their varieties and sources are not consistent (Dehong, Baoshan species come from Myanmar). We have collected and planted its original ramet for further observation and study. "

2.4 the United Front work Department of the Binchuan County CPC Committee wrote on page 97 of the United Front work of Binchuan County in December 1988: "Binchuan Catholicism was in 1904 in the late Qing Dynasty (the 30th year of Guang Xu). French missionaries Tian Deneng, Duan Guozhang and others came to Binchuan."

2.5 Binchuan County Chronicles, a series of local chronicles of the people's Republic of China, was published by Yunnan people's Publishing House in August 1997. the Catholic section on page 780 of the book records when the French Catholic missionary Tian Deneng, the French Catholic missionary, was sent to Zhukula to build a Catholic church, that is, the exact time when the coffee was introduced. According to the original text of the Chronicles of Binchuan County, "in the 30th year of Guang Xu in the Qing Dynasty (1904), Tian Deneng, a French Catholic missionary, was sent by the Dali Diocese Church to preach to Binchuan and nearby areas with Lu Hongru (French nationality) and Deng Peigen (Sichuan). Tian Ren priests (priests) first went to Lijiao and Pianjiao to preach teachings and develop believers." At that time, Zhang Yiqing, the king of Shunjiang River, was domineering and occupied land and population, resulting in great public indignation. Qi Ganwen and others of the Yi nationality asked Tian Deneng to help with the lawsuit. After winning the lawsuit, Tian Deneng got a lot of land, and Catholics quickly grew to hundreds, affecting many areas of Hirakawa, Gudi and Zhongying. Tian Deneng funded the construction of a scripture hall in Zhukula Village, an inhabited area of the Yi nationality, under the exclusive management of Lu Hongru, with monks, nuns and servants. Tian and Deng toured to practice medicine and preach. Subsequently, the people of Gudi Wuli Village sent Wenchang Palace to Tian Deneng as a scripture hall. "

2.6 Yunnan University Press, published by Liu Dingyin and Han Junxue, Yunnan Catholicism

On page 428 of the book History, it is clearly recorded in the Yunnan Church Book based on Gao Qianqian: "Church"

Name and address: Catholic Church, Zhu Kula, Hirakawa, Pennsylvania; founded: Guang Xu 30 years (1904)

There are written records in the historical materials to show that the French Catholic missionary Tian Deneng is indeed

It was only in 1904 that he first arrived in Pennsylvania, and when he arrived in Zhukula, he funded the construction of the Catholic Church and planted the first coffee tree for his own drinking. This fact is further confirmed by the records on pages 59 and 60 of "Ancient Town Pingchuan" compiled by the CPC Pingchuan Town Committee and the Pingchuan Town people's Government in 2005.

2.7 so, where was Father Tian Deneng before he was sent to Zhukula? Do what? When will you leave China, etc.? The author found the answer in the investigation: (1) the History of Religion in Yunnan, written by the Institute of Religion of the Yunnan Academy of Social Sciences, is recorded on page 358 of the book "History of Religion in Yunnan" edited by Yang Xuezheng: "it was not until the 30th year of Guang Xu (1904) that Tian Deneng, a French missionary of the foreign missionaries in Paris, was sent to preach in Binchuan County, and one Catholic church was built successively in Gudi Wuli Village, Binchuan County and in all Kula in Pingchuan County. Unfortunately, Father Tian Deneng's missionary behavior in Binchuan was like following in the footsteps of Zhang Ruowang and others, and Tian Deneng's ability was big enough to pull Wang Shouchun from the state of Binchuan as an accomplice, causing complaints in Binchuan within a few years. Guang Xu 34 years (1908) finally broke out the "Binchuan teaching case", Tian Deneng had to flee Binchuan. " (2) the History of Catholicism in Yunnan is recorded on page 396: "Tian Deneng (? ~ 1912), French missionary. When he came to Yunnan at the end of the 19th century, he first went to the Catholic Church in Pingyi County (now Fuyuan County) and Pianjiao New Street Catholic Hall in Yongsheng County, and then preached in Binchuan. Because of his misdeeds in Binchuan, he fled Binchuan after triggering the "Binchuan religious case" in 1908. In 1911, he served as a priest at the Catholic Hall in Zhaotong County, and died in Zhaotong County a year later. " .

3. It is concluded that the introduction of Zhukula coffee should be in 1904.

3.1 to sum up, the documented history confirms that Zhu Kula introduced coffee.

The age is 1904 (the thirtieth year of Guang Xu of the Qing Dynasty). Zhu Kula is indeed the early introduction of Yunnan coffee.

One of them is of high scientific research value. Its cause is the same as that of the Foreign Missionary Church in Paris at that time 1904.

It was related to the organization's dispatch in 1904, which was related to the missionary Tian Deneng's hobby for drinks and the construction he funded in 1904.

It's about the Catholic church. In other words, the so-called claim of 1892 is unfounded. According to the article "Review and Prospect of the Development of Coffee in Yunnan" written by Professor Huang Junxiong and Zhang Xingcan of the Tropical Economic crops Research Institute of Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, "this part of the provenance later spread to Hekou, Kaiyuan, Binchuan, Heqing (Huangping) and Lijiang, Shuangbai, Dayao and other counties." After visiting the Yunnan Coffee Research Institute and consulting a large number of related materials, we can not find the detailed clues and data on the expansion of Zhukula coffee.

3.1 from January 19 to 22, 2010, the author finally realized the on-the-spot scientific investigation of the ancient coffee forest in Zhu Kula village. On the afternoon of the 20th, he visited the home of the old village head Li Fusheng (84 years old). The old man said, "there are three priests in Zhu Kula village. I don't know the first Father Tian. I have only experienced two priests, one Father Duan, and he has been here for the longest time." A priest Gu, who came here less than a year before liberation, was drowned while swimming in the Yubao River below. In 1948, I started 43 households in the village to plant more than 80 mu of coffee, and then froze to death because of a heavy snow in 1984, preserving only 13 mu of coffee. Father Tian planted the coffee tree outside the church wall and died naturally in 1997. This also confirms that Professor Ma Xijin of the Hot work Institute of Yunnan Province was the first to see the original species introduced from abroad by French missionaries in 1981.

3.2 on January 20, 2010, we planned to investigate the geographical features, 24-hour air temperature and relative humidity, soil, biological characteristics of coffee tree varieties, fruit sampling and local folk-inherited coffee beans in Zhukula Village, Pingchuan Town, Binchuan County. such as: tooth shelling, pestle and mortar shelling, roasting, stone milling and coffee brewing, etc.

3.3 there are 84 families and 378 people in Zhukula village. The coffee forest is located at 26 degrees north latitude and at a high altitude

The black sand on the slope platform with a degree of 1400 meters and the soil of hydrodiagenetic flake gravel structure.

Soil, PH 6.5, neutral slightly sour. Big temperature difference between day and night, 8:00 in the morning, temperature:

9 ℃, relative humidity 62%; 13:07 noon, temperature 21 ℃, relative humidity 43%

18:57 in the afternoon, temperature: 21 ℃, relative humidity 14%; 23:43 in the evening, temperature

Degree: 18 ℃, relative humidity 22%.

3.4 Coffee forest covers an area of 8658 square meters. according to the statistics of the village, there are still 1134 coffee trees, of which 24 have a history of more than 100 years. Shrubs, showing a natural growth trend, lost tube, red-top plant (Tippika variety) and green-top plant (Bobang variety), the two ratios are difficult to be accurate, but there are no other mixed species. Coffee tree height: 3-5 m; leaf: 5.5-13 cm long, 3.5-5 cm wide; leaf apex: leaf apex acuminate, acuminate part 0.5-1.15 cm long; vein: lateral veins 9 pairs; petiole: 0.8-0.15 cm long; leaf shape: entire or margin shallowly undulate, both surfaces glabrous.

According to the Chronicles of Binchuan County, "in the 32 year of Guang Xu (1906), Tian Deneng bought an ancestral hall in the state city (where the village office is located in this city) as a scripture hall and preached everywhere." At about 10:00 on 22 January 2010, we found an ancestral hall on the south street of the prefecture city of Binchuan County bought by Tian Deneng Catholic missionaries, which was once used as a Catholic church, an expansion product of the 1904 Zhukula Catholic Church. We followed up the old man in the former church courtyard, ①: Liu Shuhua, 72, said: "when I was sensible, I heard that this tree is the same age as this house." Interviewee ②: Guo Jialiu (82) said: "when I was a child, I used to see people dressed in black going in and out with ten frames."

3.3 the author consulted a large number of agricultural historical materials, religious studies, local chronicles, newspapers and magazines and online media in Yunnan, which showed that the exact age of the introduction of Zhukula coffee was 1904. The early introduction of Jukula Coffee was the product of foreign Catholic missionaries in China. It is documented that the French Catholic missionary Tian Deneng was sent to Binchuan to preach in 1904. In the same year, he funded the construction of the Jukula Catholic Church, and Tian Deneng planted the first coffee tree next to the church. Tian Deneng preached in Binchuan for only more than 4 years, then was driven out of Binchuan in 1908 because of the Binchuan religious case, and died in Zhaotong County in 1912. From 1908 to 1949, Zhukula Catholicism mainly taught by Father Duan.


1. Zhang Jian, "the Origin, Development, spread and Beverage Culture of Coffee", Chinese Agricultural History 2006.2

2. Hu Lu, "back Valley Coffee among Chinese journalists", Yunnan reporter Station of China News Agency, March 2009.

3. Protect China's oldest coffee forest, the Source of the Valley, one of the press releases of the press conference, part two.

4. Ma Xijin, "interview" Binchuan Zhu Kula, the birthplace of coffee, 1981, Tropical and Subtropical Economic crops Research Institute, Yunnan Agricultural University.