Coffee review

Coffee basic knowledge Coffee brewing with three different flavors

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, -utensils-the hand-brewed coffee maker is equipped with coffee bean grinder, coffee cooking pot (filter cloth type), coffee cup, spoon, coffee sugar, vacuum coffee maker, filter cloth bag and drip (dripping type), cream ball. -Cooking methods-there are three common cooking methods, namely, siphon, drip and filter cloth, each of which is cooked.



The hand-brewed coffee maker has coffee bean grinder, coffee brewing pot (filter cloth type), coffee cup, spoon, coffee sugar, vacuum coffee maker, filter cloth bag and drip (dripping type), and cream balls.

-method of cooking-

There are three common cooking methods, namely siphon type, drip type and filter cloth type. Each method makes coffee with its own taste.

1. Siphon: these are two spherical containers connected up and down by a glass tube, and a filter cloth is placed at the bottom of the upper glass container (funnel) to prevent coffee powder from falling into the lower container (long-necked flask). When the water is heated in a long-necked flask, the water in the long-necked flask boils and the pressure is higher than the normal pressure. when passing through the tube, the boiling hot water rises and comes into contact with the coffee powder in the funnel and is extracted. After that, keep the long-necked flask away from the fire, the air in the inflated long-necked flask will contract, and the coffee pulled out of the funnel falls into the long-necked flask again, and the mellow coffee comes on stage!

two。 Drip type: the drip type is very popular in Europe, and families in Japan also use this method. Most of today's extraction appliances have been changed to drip type. The dripping apparatus has a groove on the inside and three holes in the bottom. It is a very simple way to cover it with filter paper and inject boiling hot water into a large number of coffee powder.

3. Filter cloth type: in fact, it is also a kind of dripping type, but the material required is slightly different from the previous method, the last method requires filter paper, and this method requires filter cloth (velvet cloth filter). First rinse the filter cloth once, wring out as much as possible, put the fluffy part on the outside, then put the coffee powder on the outside, and flatten the surface, put the boiling water to about 95 degrees, and then pour the coffee powder in a whirlpool from the center of the coffee powder to the outside. When the coffee powder is completely impregnated with boiling water, stop for 10 minutes and 20 seconds until it expands, and then pour the second boiling water when the expansion stops. At this time, the amount of boiling water is about twice that of the first time. When there is foam on the surface, continue to pour the third time when the foam does not disappear completely. The essentials of the third time of boiling water are the same as the second time. At this time, do not directly pour boiling water to the outer flannelette, and the coffee is ready. The bean grinder is particularly important.