Coffee review

The influence of fine coffee and healthy coffee on brain nerves

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Recently, Professor A. P. Smith of the University of Bristol (University of Bristol) in the United Kingdom published his ten-year talk about the imagination of coffee on the brain, especially its effect on discrimination and mood. Measure their discrimination and alertness for 30 minutes before and after drinking coffee. Smith found that after drinking a cup of coffee, they became comparators.

Recently, Professor A.P. Smith of the University of Bristol in the United Kingdom published his decade-long study on the effects of coffee on brain nerves, especially on cognitive ability and mood. They were asked to measure discrimination and alertness 30 minutes before and after drinking coffee. Smith found that those who drank a cup of coffee became more alert and focused. Professor Smith said coffee can really wake you up, especially if you are sleep deprived. If you have a cold that makes you sleep poorly or insomnia, and you have to concentrate on work or exams during the day, drinking a cup of coffee will definitely boost your alertness and help you tide over difficulties. Coffee will stay in the body for three to five hours, so coffee has a long-term refreshing effect. Further experiments found that the average person can absorb 300 mg of caffeine (about three cups of brewed coffee) per day, and it has a positive impact on a person's alertness and mood. However, caffeine in excess of 400 milligrams (four cups) can have adverse effects, such as mood deterioration, irritability, aggression, and causing trouble. If you only want coffee polyphenols for antioxidant purposes, then you should drink decaf coffee!