Coffee review

The correct etiquette for drinking coffee the correct use of coffee cups

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, The coffee you drink after a meal is usually served in a pocket cup. The ear of this kind of cup is so small that you can't get your fingers out. But even if you use a larger cup, you don't need to put your finger through the ear of the cup and carry the cup. The cups and saucers for coffee are also special. You should put them in front of you or on the right, with the ear pointing to the left. The correct way to hold a coffee cup is to hold the thumb and index finger.

Coffee after meals is usually served in a pocket-sized cup. The ears of this cup are too small for fingers to pass through. But even if you use a larger cup, you don't have to put your finger through the ear to hold it. The coffee cups and saucers are also specially made. Put them in front of you or on your right side, with the ears pointing to the left.


The correct way to hold a coffee cup should be to hold the cup with your thumb and index finger. When drinking coffee, hold the coffee cup ear with your right hand, gently hold the coffee dish with your left hand, and sip slowly to your mouth to avoid making a noise. It is not advisable to swallow a glass or bow to sip coffee. Sometimes you will encounter some inconvenient situations, for example, sitting on a sofa far away from the table, inconvenient to drink coffee with both hands, at this time you can use your left hand to put the coffee dish in the chest position, with the right hand to drink coffee cup. After drinking, the coffee cup should be placed in the coffee dish immediately, and the two should not be placed separately.