Coffee review

Brazil Coffee processing Diversified Coffee basic knowledge

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Brazilian coffee farms choose sun, half-sun or water washing treatments according to the dry and humidity conditions of the climate to show the best regional flavor. Such a pluralistic approach is rare in the world. Before 1999 ⊙, rough tanning was almost always used in Brazil. This is the main culprit for Brazilian beans to be easily infected with the smell of dirt and rotten wood, because coffee fruits are exposed to the sun for two to three weeks.

Brazilian coffee farms choose sun, half-sun or water washing treatments according to the dry and humidity conditions of the climate to show the best regional flavor. Such a pluralistic approach is rare in the world.

Before 1999 ⊙, rough tanning was almost always used in Brazil. This is the main culprit for Brazilian beans to catch the smell of sour and rotten wood, because coffee fruits get moldy and smell when the rain returns to moisture or the fruit is cracked during a two-to three-week exposure. This problem has been criticized for a long time, which has dealt a heavy blow to the image of Brazilian coffee. After 1999 ⊙, Brazilian research units developed a half-sun method to shorten the treatment time based on the drier climate in Brazil. After removing the pulp, the coffee fruit will be exposed to the pectin-coated pods for one to three days, and then machine-dried to a moisture content of 12%, which can be placed in a storage container. The Brazilian half-sun method greatly shortens the working time (the waste time of the traditional sun method is two to three weeks). It also reduces the chance of coffee beans getting a bad smell, and the quality is greatly improved. Moreover, the half-sun method also inherited the advantages of the sun method to improve the sweetness, but less thankless soil flavor, won the praise of international coffee experts. The winners of Brazil's "extraordinary cup" of national treasure beans almost all use the half-sun method, because this treatment can reduce the smell of soil and wood, and enhance the aroma and sweetness of Brazilian beans, which is most suitable for single products. as a result, half-sun drying has become the "wardrobe" of Brazilian boutique beans.

But this does not mean that the sun method has declined in Brazil, the ultra-low humidity of Minas central and western Serrado is still dominated by the sun method. The manor here believes that as long as the sun is strictly controlled, it can best highlight Serrado's unique nutty flavor and sweetness, while half-sun has become a supporting role in Serrado. The manor in South Minas is the most inclusive, using half-sun, sun and water washing respectively, showing the most yuan of flavor. In addition, Bahia province is famous for its washed beans, but almost all the winners in major cups are half-sun beans, and the coffee farms belonging to the diamond plateau, which are becoming popular, are famous for half-sun exposure.

The use of sun, half-sun or water washing methods depends on the local humidity conditions, as it can seriously affect whether the pods are overfermented and moldy during drying. Local estates will consider the best way to reduce the growth of mold to deal with coffee beans. In principle, the washing method should be used in the areas with high humidity, and the sun or half-sun should be used in the areas with low humidity.