Coffee review

The era of online shopping of coffee beans teaches you how to choose coffee beans

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, In the era of online shopping, in the face of dazzling goods, coffee beans are the key to drinking good coffee. In online shopping to buy good coffee beans absolutely need certain skills, friends quickly and Xiaobian together to develop a pair of fire eyes gold. The criteria for choosing coffee beans are similar to those for choosing tea. If you want the most expensive and exquisite tea, you need to go to the place of origin to buy the best quality new tea produced that year.

In the era of online shopping, in the face of dazzling goods, coffee beans are the key to drinking good coffee. In online shopping to buy good coffee beans absolutely need certain skills, friends quickly and Xiaobian together to develop a pair of fire eyes gold.

The criteria for choosing coffee beans are similar to those for choosing tea. If you want the most expensive and exquisite tea, you need to go to the place of origin to buy the best quality new tea produced that year. The same is true of coffee, the top coffee beans, you often need to choose the origin of this variety of coffee, or entrust a special foreign supplier to buy.

Therefore, if you want to select good coffee beans, the choice of physical stores is relatively limited, and online shopping is a very good way. The editor will introduce to you the aspects that should be paid attention to when choosing coffee beans.


First of all, let's introduce the steps of selecting coffee beans:

1. Look.

If you are buying individual coffee beans, grab a handful of beans with your hands, about 10 of them, to see if each bean has the same color, average grain size, and the same shape, so as to avoid buying shoddy products disguised as mixed beans. But if it is a comprehensive bean, it is a normal phenomenon that the size and color are different. Coffee beans produced by strong heat and medium-deep roasting will produce oil. However, if the shallow baked beans produce oil, it means that it has gone bad, and it will not only reduce its aroma, but also appear astringent and sour taste.

two。 Smell

Smell whether the beans have the aroma of coffee beans, if so, it means the coffee beans are fresh enough. If the aroma is weak, or even a greasy smell like peanuts that will exist for a long time, it means that the beans are completely stale, and don't choose them, because no matter how much effort you put into it, you can't make good coffee.

3. Peel off

Peel the coffee bean by hand. If the bean is fresh enough, it is easy to peel it, accompanied by the sound of crispy ears. If the beans are not fresh, it takes a lot of effort to peel them off. After peeling off, you can see if the baking is uniform. If uniform, the skin and inner layer of coffee beans are the same color. If the surface color is much darker than the inner layer, it means that the roast may be too angry, which will also affect the aroma and taste of coffee beans.

4. Chew.

When choosing, it is best to chew one or two beans in your mouth. If the beans are crisp and crisp, it means the beans are not damp. In addition, it can make your teeth stay fragrant, and that is the top grade!


Very often, when we buy coffee beans, we will find that the options of physical stores are limited, so we will turn to online stores. Although we can't see the real thing before buying, and we can't carry out the selection steps such as seeing, smelling, peeling, chewing and so on, online shopping can still be selected from the following aspects, of course, these aspects are also applicable to physical stores, because some beans are sold in whole bags, so we can't take a closer look.

A, place of origin

On the Internet, some stores may use coffee beans that are not of origin, such as Blue Mountain Coffee, but the origin is not Jamaica. However, this is not to say that coffee of non-origin is not good. Due to the different climate, the taste will be slightly different. In many cases, coffee from other places of origin is cheaper. If you are not very picky, it is OK to taste the taste from different places.

B, baking degree

Coffee beans will emit different aroma in different degrees of roasting, and the best roasting time is different. Basically, the longer the coffee bean is roasted, the darker its color and taste is, the more mellow it is. It depends on the individual taste, some people like the light taste, others like the strong one. If you really don't know which roasting degree to choose, you can also choose medium roasting, because medium roasting is suitable for most coffees and is more acceptable to everyone.

C, packing date

Pay attention to whether the packing date is recent. In general, the shelf life of raw coffee beans is one to two years, and the shelf life of cooked beans after roasting is within a month, so choose freshly roasted coffee beans and use them up during the shelf life after purchase. only in this way can you enjoy the most charming aroma and rich taste of coffee.

D, Store and Brand

Needless to say, some coffees may be mixed with other kinds of coffee in order to reduce costs. So be careful. For example, in the more expensive coffee beans mixed with cheap coffee beans, or in the good quality coffee beans mixed with the same variety but poor quality coffee beans, which will seriously affect the taste. So when buying coffee beans, you should try to choose a guaranteed store or brand.