Coffee review

Modern Coffee making techniques for making individual Coffee

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, Coffee permeator domestic coffee pot can give you a wonderful coffee smell and sound, which is emitted by the flow of water in the system. But the coffee brewed from the permeating pot has a bitter taste. Connor vacuum equipment you can sometimes see in some old-fashioned stores (but mostly for decoration), it is very interesting to use this method, very much like alchemy, as long as be careful not to let coffee

Coffee permeator

A household coffee pot can give you a wonderful smell of coffee and a beautiful sound, which is emitted as the water flows through the system. But the coffee brewed from the permeating pot has a bitter taste.

Connor vacuum device

You can sometimes see it in some old-fashioned stores (but mostly for decoration). This method is very interesting, much like alchemy. As long as you are careful not to let the coffee boil, it still tastes great, but it is not very convenient for daily use.

Trickling filter method

The drip filter is divided into two parts, the roasted coffee is placed on the upper filter paper, the hot water is poured on it, the liquid is dripped by gravity, and the whole process takes 6-8 minutes to enter the coffee pot below. in the end, all you get is pure coffee with a little foam. The correct manual dripping method is to use cold water and heat near boiling, heat the coffee pot, and then pour out the water. Add some water to the ground coffee to stimulate the coffee's activity. Then pour in the right amount of water.

French Piston Pot method

The method of using the piston pot is very simple. Now preheat the pot, put in the roasted coffee (about 5 grams per cup), add hot water and stir, soak for 4-5 minutes, then push down the stainless steel piston with mesh to separate the coffee foam from the liquid. Finally, pour the coffee liquid from the piston pot. One thing to pay attention to when buying piston pots is not to buy back the ones with nylon mesh pistons because stainless steel mesh is more effective and durable.

Espresso pot, mocha coffee maker

Their greatest feature is simple and dexterous, this coffee pot consists of two parts, water is placed in the lower container, pressure makes the water flow through the coffee into the upper container, and then everywhere from this container. Although it is clever and lovely, it has only a few advantages of piston pot and drip filter pot.