Coffee review

What's the difference between instant coffee and freshly ground coffee?

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, The real rise of instant coffee was after World War II, traced back to the real beginning of instant global commercial production is Nestl é, originally to solve Brazil's excess consumption of coffee beans began to produce instant. But with the progress of society and economic growth, urban white-collar workers can not do without coffee every day in order to catch up with the pace of life. But most people think

The real rise of instant coffee was after World War II, traced back to the real beginning of instant global commercial production is Nestl é, originally to solve Brazil's excess consumption of coffee beans began to produce instant. But with the progress of society and economic growth, urban white-collar workers can not do without coffee every day in order to catch up with the pace of life. However, most people drink instant coffee and know little about freshly ground coffee. Today I will give you a brief talk about the difference between freshly ground coffee and instant coffee.

Instant coffee is like instant noodles, what people want is convenient and fast, and its nutrition is far from that of freshly ground coffee. Instant coffee is usually used to make instant coffee. Robusta coffee beans are very different from Arabica coffee beans. In addition, residues such as broken beans, bad beans and poorly developed varieties are often roasted and ground directly without screening. In the process of instant synthesis, the original nutritional and health ingredients of coffee are destroyed.

Although instant coffee has the taste of coffee, it has lost these rich nutrients and health benefits, and the content of acrylamide, a carcinogen, in instant coffee is much higher than that in freshly ground coffee.

According to the sampling data of the Food and Drug Administration of the United States, the acrylamide content of instant powder is 58ppb, and that of ground coffee is about 10ppb. The high temperature treatment of instant coffee increases the content of acrylamide. in addition, the preservative economy, pigment, saccharin and other additives contained in instant coffee continue to deposit in the human body, causing harm to the central nervous system, especially the sugar in instant coffee. eating too much will lead to obesity, diabetes and other effects, but instant coffee is mixed with sugar milk, and accounts for a certain proportion.

In addition, instant coffee contains trans fatty acids, which can cause cancer when drunk regularly. In terms of taste, to be honest, each kind of instant drink is about the same, the same aroma, the same three-in-one flavor, the "four flavors and one fragrance" of coffee is almost difficult to reflect.

In fact, in Europe and the United States, people seldom take the initiative to drink instant coffee, only in long-distance trains, planes and other specific places, people drink instant coffee as a substitute for coffee. The French seldom drink instant coffee. They think that instant coffee is only a synthetic product of industrialization, and its taste and connotation are very different from those of freshly ground coffee.

Like Chinese tea, coffee has been integrated into the traditional culture of Europe and the United States, from the initial roasting, grinding, cooking and filtration of coffee beans to the selection of utensils and different blending techniques. Although instant coffee tastes like coffee, it loses a lot of nutrition and the unique taste and cultural atmosphere of freshly ground coffee. In addition, from a health point of view, instant coffee will add a lot of flavors, pigments, preservatives and other additives, long-term drinking will inevitably have an impact on human health, or freshly ground coffee is more natural and healthy.