Coffee review

The basics of coffee find a cup of coffee that suits you

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, After the first sip of coffee, people who are not used to it may cry bitterness. The truth is, coffee has countless followers. When you inadvertently find a coffee that fascinates you, but then you find that you can no longer find it, as if playing hide-and-seek with you. You have tried and tried, but it is not the one that moves you. So, all you have to do is find your own coffee.

After the first sip of coffee, people who are not used to it may cry "so bitter". The truth is, coffee has countless followers. When you inadvertently find a coffee that fascinates you, but then you find that you can no longer find it, as if playing hide-and-seek with you. You have tried and tried, but it is not the one that moves you. So, all you have to do is find your own coffee. Follow our questions and find the taste of your coffee.

If you can't find a "YES" answer that suits your heart in the multiple choice questions on the left and right pages, it means that only a cup of "custom-made coffee" is best suited to your needs. Master the following steps, in any coffee shop, you can customize a cup of private coffee that best suits your own taste.

Whether you need decaf coffee: if you are worried that caffeine will cause insomnia, you can ask for decaf coffee. Dose of ESPRESSO coffee solution: if you love the bitterness of coffee, you can ask for a double ESPRESSO. The taste of syrup: coffee shops usually have syrup with vanilla, chocolate, hazelnut, raspberry and other flavors.

What kind of milk to add: in addition to whole milk and skim milk, some coffee shops offer soy milk as an option, considering that some people are allergic to milk. Personal requirements: for example, whether to be particularly hot, or how much ice or milk foam you need.