Coffee review

Coffee affects 6 parts of the body

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, 1. Heart. Caffeine acts on the heart in two ways: in addition to affecting the brain center that regulates the cardiovascular system, caffeine also acts directly on the heart. High doses of caffeine can increase the heartbeat of people who do not tolerate caffeine by 10 to 20 beats per minute and may cause temporary arrhythmias in some people. Therefore, moderate consumption of drinks containing caffeine (an average of 500 mg per day)

1. Heart. Caffeine acts on the heart in two ways: in addition to affecting the brain center that regulates the cardiovascular system, caffeine also acts directly on the heart. High doses of caffeine can increase the heartbeat of people who do not tolerate caffeine by 10 to 20 beats per minute and may cause temporary arrhythmias in some people.

Therefore, moderate consumption of drinks containing caffeine (an average of up to 500 mg per day) does not significantly increase the risk of heart disease, but exceeding this dose may increase the risk of myocardial infarction.

2. Kidney. It is a common occurrence for many people to go to the toilet after drinking coffee in the morning. This is because caffeine affects adenosine receptors in the kidneys, acting like diuretics. Caffeine may also slow the brain's release of an antidiuretic hormone that reduces urine production.

3. Digestive system. The acid, oil and caffeine in coffee may stimulate gastric mucosa and promote gastric acid secretion. Long-term consumption of drinks containing caffeine can lead to stomach problems.

4. Respiratory system. Caffeine and similar drugs have two effects on respiration. One is to increase the respiratory rate. In addition, caffeine relaxes the smooth muscle around the trachea, thus dilating the trachea and increasing breathing. However, caffeine can not be used as a drug to treat asthma.

5. Reproductive system. Studies have shown that women who drink coffee during pregnancy give birth to babies with lower birth weight. Other studies have shown that taking caffeine (equivalent to drinking more than one cup of coffee a day) may significantly reduce women's chances of getting pregnant.

6. Eyes. Caffeine constricts (narrows) the microvessels of the eyes, reduces the amount of nutrients that enter the cells of the eyes, and slows down the rate at which the eyes remove waste.