Coffee review

Effect of water quality on the flavor of a cup of coffee

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, I remember boiling water directly when I was a child, with a little taste of bleach and metal, while the slogan "Nongfu Spring is a little sweet" many years ago told us that some water is a little sweet. Nowadays, with the popularity of water purifiers and barreled water, we seldom drink cold boiled water. Here, I would like to talk about the influence of water quality on the flavor trend of brewing beverage.

Players or cafes mostly use water purifiers to remove impurities in the water, improve the taste and hygiene, and use a water softener to replace most of the calcium and magnesium ions in the water to soften the water to get soft water. the advantage of soft water is that it tastes smooth and is most suitable for brewing coffee and tea, and it is not easy to form scale and prolong the life of hot water appliances. The coffee made by using this kind of filtered softening water tastes sweeter and has less miscellaneous flavor than the coffee made by hot boiled water.

There is also a kind of equipment called pure water machine, which uses RO reverse osmosis membrane to reverse osmosis water to get pure water without impurities. Pure water without any impurities, trace elements and minerals is really colorless and tasteless, which is most beneficial to the service life of hot water appliances, but also because it is clean and thorough, compared with purified water with certain minerals, it has less sweetness of flavor. Many tea lovers think that pure water is stagnant and is not suitable for brewing. Brother Bird thinks that there are different opinions on whether it is suitable for coffee. For example, pure water can be used on an Italian coffee machine. In particular, the water quality in the north is too hard, which makes it easier to scale inside the boiler. Although using a pure water machine will make the taste a little less, but for the protection of the equipment, it is also a method once and for all. However, if you are making a single cup of coffee, pure water is not recommended.

The focus of today's conversation is how much effect water has on the flavor of a cup of coffee. It is certain that there is an impact. Brother Bird once took it for granted that there was a difference, but it would not be particularly different, but after a period of testing and comparison, the results can be said to exceed expectations.

Take the purified water of the water purifier + softener in our store as the basic reference, use Blue Mountain no.1, Mantenin, Kenya, Yega Xuefei to test repeatedly, other beans interspersed test, all are hand-brewed for more than 2 months. Compare several types of commercial mineral water as follows

Farmer Mountain Spring, there is no need to introduce

When you use Nongfu Spring to brew, the overall alcohol thickness will increase, and the brightness and cleanliness will decrease a little bit. As for the sweetness in the slogan, which is not reflected after brewing, I think this kind of water is more suitable for rich and low-flavored coffee types, such as Mantenin, Harald, deep-roasted Kenya. But it's not that brewing sour beans is not suitable. Kenya, which is lightly baked, gives full play to its thick, low acidity and red wine flavor. After all, tastes vary from person to person. Brother Bird's opinion is for reference only.

Metro own brand mineral water RIOBA

Using this water, the brewing performance is balanced and clean, and the sweetness of the coffee product is improved. it is suitable for almost all tested coffee beans, which is consistent with the style of purified water in the store, probably because it is more rich in minerals and trace elements. Taste more transparent and sweeter, in brewing fruit sour beans, such as Yega Sheffield, Panamanian Rosa, Datra Yellow Band, Guatemala Flower God, has excellent expression.

In order to avoid the misconception of high price and good quality, before the test, several friends and I did not look at the taste of blind water on the product label and reached a consistent evaluation. When brewing coffee, we also use the same amount of water, temperature, powder and other objective conditions to draw a conclusion. Personally, I think this kind of water is better than the farmer.

Laoshan Mineral Water (Red Mine)

Laoshan has a good reputation of Xianshan since ancient times. The spring water of Xianshan is naturally not bad. Laoshan mineral water has two series, red ore and blue ore. As locals, they directly and subjectively test red ore of better quality.

The water quality of red mineral water is sweet and cool. Under the same environmental conditions, drinking red mineral water will feel a little cooler than other water, like the breathable feeling of drinking ice water. In brewing coffee, you will get a purer, fresh and sweet taste, and can reduce some insufficient irritating rough edge taste and miscellaneous taste. The performance of brewing blue mountain, rose summer, Yejia Xuefei and other beans is excellent, while the product of brewing Manning is unexpected, such as the half-washed yellow man, but the taste is a bit similar to the washed green treasure man. In Kenya, which is lightly baked with this water, the fruit acidity rises strongly, and all kinds of berries are crisscrossed with long aromas. The same use of Nongfu Spring to flush, the fruit acid is low and rich, the difference between a glass of water has greatly changed the flavor, which is really amazing.

This test has the meaning of tortoise hair. If you can't make a difference, you may think that it is superfluous and tedious. If you drink differently, you will get more fun and more choices, which can be regarded as a first-order play for those who have a certain taste basis. As the saying goes, the deeper the poisoning, the higher the fever, the higher the fever, the harder the shot. In the end, there are more and more things, and people become more and more picky, and they may end up being closed to the world. Since I take it out to share it, I just want to give you one more way to play. After all, I like coffee, no matter whether it's troublesome or not, and get my own cup of delicious food.