Coffee review

The beans of coffee are taken in the sun. Wash and bask in half the sun. Semi-washing

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Today, I'd like to introduce the way to get beans from coffee: everyone knows citrus. Banana。 Apples and other fruits are rich in organic acids, immature fruits eat sour and astringent taste, ripe fruits taste sweet and delicious, because the organic acids of the fruit are converted into sugar. Coffee should also be picked after it is red and ripe, and the beans are more sweet. If the coffee farmer wants to save trouble, regardless of the coffee fruit

Today, I'd like to introduce you to the way to get beans from coffee:

Everyone knows about oranges. Banana。 Apples and other fruits are rich in organic acids, immature fruits eat sour and astringent taste, ripe fruits taste sweet and delicious, because the organic acids of the fruit are converted into sugar. Coffee should also be picked after it is red and ripe, and the beans are more sweet. If coffee farmers in order to save trouble, no matter whether the coffee fruit is ripe or not, picking it together will make the coffee sour and astringent, so the fine coffee must choose the ripe red fruit.

Distinguish between floating beans and sunken beans:

The coffee fruit picked from the coffee field must not be mistaken. It must be sent to the processing plant on the same day and underdeveloped. Immature. Ripe fruit retains ripe red fruit. The most simple and effective way is to pour all the fruit into a large trough. Ripe fruit and half-green and half-red fruit are heavier and sink to the bottom of the trough, while those underdeveloped small fruits. Rotten fruit that is overripe. Lighter ones such as damaged fruits, branches and leaves will float on the surface of the water, thus weeding out the floating beans that cannot be imported. The beans filtered out by the sink, that is, good beans, enter the next stage, that is, the sun. Half-sun and water wash. The way semi-washed depends on the local climatic conditions.

1. Tanning method-thanks to a shot:

Ethiopia and Yemen, the oldest bean-producing countries, almost all use the sun to pick up beans, taking out red fruits and half-green and half-red fast-ripening fruits that have sunk to the bottom of the trough and spreading them in a bean drying farm for natural drying. Time depends on the weather, about two to four weeks can make the water content of the coffee beans in the fruit reduced to 12% and hardened, and then use the sheller to remove the stiff flesh and sheep skin crumbs, take out the coffee beans. This method can be said to be done in one shot and done at one time, unlike half-sun and water washing beans need many complicated procedures before they can be taken out.

two。 Water washing method-increase fruit acid spirit:

Water washing is the most popular treatment method at present, and it is used in almost all Central and South America except Brazil. The color of the washed beans is blue and green, the appearance of the beans is neat and the pulse is good, and the coffee quality is the highest. Generally speaking, the sour flavor and bright feeling of washed beans are better, and the flavor is clean and free of miscellaneous flavor, which is the most commonly used treatment of fine coffee, but the cost is not small. On average, it takes 2-10 liters of clean water to wash 1 kilogram of coffee fruit, while 1 kilogram of coffee fruit can only take 200 grams of coffee beans. It is difficult for water-scarce areas to bear such a water-consuming method.

Washing is the most technical way to pick up beans, and the quality of coffee is ensured through multiple sieving procedures. First move the red fruit and half-green and half-red fruit that have sunk into the sink into a large or medium-sized pulp screening machine (PulpingMachines). It is cleverly designed to mechanically press the fruit into a sieve hole, which is exactly the size of the pod (both sheepskin-wrapped coffee beans) to filter out the flesh outside the pod-using unripe fruit to be harder. Pods are not easy to squeeze out, but mature fruits are soft, and pods are easily squeezed out to ward off unripe beans and filter out the sweetest pods, so the setting of machine thrust is very important. too much force will squeeze out hard and astringent unripe beans, damaging the quality of fine beans. The general push force is set to allow 3% of red fruit pods to be squeezed into the sieve hole to ensure that all stiff green fruits are removed.

After taking out the sticky pods of the red fruit, move them into a large sink, followed by the most important washing and fermentation to remove pectin shavings from the pods. This sticky material is not easy to wash away with water, so it is necessary to hydrolyze the pectin with all kinds of bacteria in the tank, decompose the pectin and wash the pods in the tank to accelerate the pectin to break away from the pods. The fermentation process takes about 16 to 36 hours, depending on temperature and humidity, when malic acid is naturally produced in the tank. Citric acid. Acetic acid. Lactic acid and propionic acid. Interestingly, the raw bean itself contains almost no acetic acid, but the fermentation process of washing treatment can increase the acetic acid concentration of the bean, which is beneficial to the flavor of coffee. Not only can these acids inhibit mold parasitism, some acid elves will also be mixed into beans (which is why washed beans taste so sour), but samples must be taken at any time to see if the sticky pectin on the pods is clean, and then decide whether to stop fermentation and take out clean pods. Once it lasts more than 36 minutes, it may ferment too much, producing too many fatty acids and butynic acid and giving off a bad smell. Moreover, beans mixed with too much acid will make coffee too sour and Chongqing is a bad bean!

3. Brazilian half-sun-natural removal of pectin:

Brazil used to use the method of tanning in the past, and there was a big difference in quality, which made Brazil Chongqing synonymous with low-to-middle quality. However, in order to improve its quality and reverse its image, the world's largest coffee producer carried out a quality revolution in the 1990s and vigorously promoted the global half-sun method.

Brazilian coffee fields are endless and are mostly harvested mechanically in order to meet the economic benefits. When 75% of the coffee fruit in the coffee garden turns red, mechanical harvesting is started, followed by the same pre-washing operation, which is moved into the sink to remove floating beans, sift out the sunken beans, and then use a large pulp screening machine to dig out the pulp and remove the pods covered with pectin. The next stage is separate from the washing method: the sticky pods do not need to be moved into the tank to ferment, but to the outdoor bean drying farm. Because of the dry climate in Brazil, the sticky pectin on the pods will harden in about a day or so. Then use a large number of manpower to turn up and down, so that the pods dry evenly inside and outside, so as not to return to moisture and stink. In about two to three days, with the help of the natural force of the sun pass and dry climate, the pods can achieve a certain degree of dehydration. Then further dry with a dryer, the water content is reduced to 10.5%, and the pods are stored in a special container for about 10 days to further mature, in order to stabilize the quality, remove sheep skins (pods) before export, remove coffee beans, and pack them in stages.

4. Mechanical semi-washing-economical and affordable

Not all producing areas can use the Brazilian half-sun method. If the producing area with heavy moisture is allowed to take out the pectin pods and expose them outdoors, it is not only not easy to be dehydrated and hard, but also easy to parasitize molds. Therefore, mechanical semi-washing has been developed in areas with heavy humidity, which saves both labor and water.

First of all, the red fruit and half-green and half-red fruit sunk into the sink into the pulp sieving machine to remove the full pectin, and there is no need to take it to the sun, let alone pour it into the sink to ferment, but directly into the nearby pectin scraper (Demucilager) with a small amount of water, which can mechanically scrape off the sticky pectin shavings, take out the smooth pods, and expose them outdoors until the water content is reduced to 12%.