Coffee review

Taste coffee, boutique coffee, basic knowledge, coffee literature

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, At the same time, a cup of coffee calms the air around. Push open the window, the sun still shines, shining on the scene of the city. It seems that I haven't written anything for a long time. Looking at the beautiful scenery in the sun, I suddenly want to calm down and write something, but when I really pick up my pen, my thoughts fall into a vacuum. I can't find a word that can be expressed. I may have typed too much on the keyboard.

At the same time, a cup of coffee calms the air around. Push open the window, the sun still shines, shining on the scene of the city.

It seems that I haven't written anything for a long time. Looking at the beautiful scenery in the sun, I suddenly want to calm down and write something, but when I really pick up my pen, my thoughts fall into a vacuum. Can not find a word that can be expressed, may be usually hit too much keyboard, handmade bar. So presumptuous emotion, write some random and simple words, no need to deliberately arrange and modify.

Rewind a few years ago, like to wear headsets in the dead of night, listening to those familiar melodies in the computer. A person, quietly listen, quietly enjoy. A good song must not only have delicate songs, but also beautiful words in order to resonate in the depths of the soul. Sha Baoliang's words always have an extra layer of realm. I still remember that when I first heard "dark fragrance", I had an unspeakable feeling in my heart. Especially the sentence: "when the petals leave the flowers, the fragrance remains, the fragrance disappears after the wind and rain, no one comes to smell" the prosperity will fade sooner or later, and the splendor will eventually turn to insipid. The end of the song of youth, or see through life, or full of silence, or full of sadness, can be described as "see through life and then love life".

Often we love a song, not because of the music of the song itself, but because we have our own mood in it, and the melody is beautiful for it. The inner impetuosity slowly precipitates bit by bit. But few people care about the world of the lyricist. Ci writers can break our hearts as soon as they can. Deep feelings can be beautiful words, so there is the sentence: "if love tells me to go on, I will fight to the end of love" heartache.

In life, sometimes we are lyricists, writing down stories that hurt ourselves and arousing the feelings of those who can read your words. Everyone has a story, sad or happy. It is the story that comes to an end, so I keep yesterday and quietly wait for the aftertaste in the future.

I like the faint look of appreciation, as if I like the rich and pure feeling of coffee. I don't know when I gradually became infatuated with coffee, which was vaguely bitter in freshness and indifference. Everyone who loves coffee has his own artistic conception when tasting coffee, step out of the mundane affairs and walk alone along the flower path. Coffee should be quiet, light cabinet small, more layer of artistic conception. Hold up the coffee, a little more indifferent and quiet, more than a kind of relief. So the usual complexity and triviality turned into the breeze of Wu Yue. Calmly drink a good cup of coffee, in the process, a deeper understanding of the taste, know the taste and know is a rare happiness. Life is like a light cup of coffee, understand and cherish a good cup of coffee, be good at filtering its bitter and appropriate trade-offs, and pray to reduce the damage to life in the event of a storm. The rainbow after the wind and rain is more brilliant. Always believe that the sun is always after the wind and rain.

Sadness is also put down, joy is also put down, in the face of inevitable injuries can only be so. Sorrow, only with a smile and silence to face, serious taste. The road of life, gathering is also fate, scattered is also fate, everything need not be forced, everything will pass after all. Let's go with it!

The sun is still the same, drink a mouthful of Chunchun coffee, know how to choose and let go.