Coffee review

Definition of a barista as a professional barista

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Many coffee shop owners would rather take the advice of baristas than spend time and energy consulting retail professionals. You know, most baristas, they are just employees, and they don't actually think about operational issues such as cost and profitability. They usually have no idea about the overall operation. If they do, I think they will.

Many coffee shop owners would rather take the advice of baristas than spend time and energy consulting retail professionals. You know, most baristas, they are just employees, and they don't actually think about operational issues such as cost and profitability. They usually have no idea about the overall operation, and if they did, I think they would open their own cafe instead of working in your store. From this point of view, baristas are just looking for a relatively comfortable and relaxed place to continuously improve their coffee-making skills.


Some methods may be able to make a good cup of coffee when you are at home and do not panic, but it is very impractical for a retail coffee shop. There are also many coffee shops where the concept of coffee tasting is introduced in order to attract more coffee gluttons, which is not a very good marketing method, but it is difficult to recoup the investment made.

In a way, baristas have come to a dead end. Even those baristas who frequently appear in various competitions have to come up with some relatively outdated coffee-making methods to embellish them and call them "innovation". For example, hand flushing and siphon extraction have become popular again in recent years. Perhaps only in the event, these methods will look eye-catching.