Coffee review

SHB Grade characteristics of Guatemalan Coffee beans introduction to the flavor and taste of coffee beans in eight major producing areas

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Coffee in this area has been grown entirely by small farmers since the 1950s, and now every farmer in the mountains is a coffee production unit. This area, once the most remote and poorest part of Guatemala, is now alive and well. Rainy and cloudy, the ancient times of the New Oriental was a volcanic area, soil

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When it comes to coffee in America, people often think of coffee from South America such as Brazil and Colombia at first, but when it comes to coffee from Central America, Panama grabs its focus. However, Guatemalan coffee is also a coffee with the characteristics of its producing areas. Otherwise, Guatemala would not be in the Qianjie coffee rations bean series.

Anyone who has tasted Guatemalan coffee knows that the coffee in this country is famous for its rich, smooth taste and slightly charcoal-burning flavor, just like the sweetness of chocolate and smoke mixed together. It is precisely because of its unique charcoal-burning aroma that Antigua coffee is also called "cigarette coffee".

A basic overview of the producing countries of Guatemala

Guatemala is located in the south of the North American continent and the northwest of Central America. The country is bordered by Mexico in the west and north and Honduras and El Salvador in the southeast. 2/3 of the terrain in Guatemala is mountains and plateaus, and its west and south belong to volcanic belts with more than 30 volcanoes.

Guatemala is in the tropics, the northern and eastern coastal areas belong to the tropical rain forest climate, and the southern mountains belong to the subtropical climate, with two distinct dry and wet seasons in a year, with the wet season from May to October and the dry season from November to April of the following year. The central plateau is the cultural center of Guatemala, which ranges from 1300 to 1800 meters above sea level. The climate is mild throughout the year, with temperatures between 18 degrees Celsius and 28 degrees Celsius.

The annual precipitation is 2000-3000 mm in the northeast and 500-1000 mm in the south. The average altitude in Guatemala is high, with coffee belts over 1500 meters and latitudes between 14 and 16 degrees north, making it easy to grow very hard beans.

History of coffee cultivation in Guatemala

The history of coffee drinking in Guatemala was recorded as early as 1747, but the real beginning of the history of coffee cultivation in Guatemala was not until 1750, when Father Jesuit introduced coffee trees to Guatemala and planted them. In 1845, coffee became an important cash crop in Guatemala. In 1880, coffee accounted for 90% of Guatemala's total exports, and in order to achieve greater production, the authorities targeted indigenous land, forcing them to sell it and move to places with poorer soil. To date, about 60000 family farms operate the coffee industry in Guatemala. Coffee is grown in the Sierra Mountains near the Pacific coast. The Sierra range stretches across the country, connecting up to the Rockies and down to the Andes.

Coffee growing areas in Guatemala

The Guatemalan Coffee Association established the Guatemalan coffee bean brand and defined Guatemalan coffee beans from eight different origins under the slogan "one Rainbow Choice (A Rainbow of Choices)". Eight regions are divided into Antigua (Antigua Classic), Vivetnam (Huehuetenango), Koban rainforest (Rainforest Coban), Attland (Traditional Atitlan), Farahannis Plain (Fraijanes Plateau), San Marco (Volcanic San Marcos), Akatti Nanguo (Acatenango) and New Oriental (New Oriente).

Next, Qianjie Coffee will introduce you to three producing areas that many people have heard of:

[Antigua producing area]

Antigua is surrounded by three volcanoes (Agua, Fuego and Acatenango) and forms a valley. Among them, Fuego volcano is an active volcano, which erupts irregularly, which makes the soil of Antigua producing area rich in minerals. The producing area retains a large number of virgin forests, coupled with fertile volcanic soil, and the coffee plants in the producing area are rich in nutrients for their growth. Antigua has a mild climate and stable humidity all the year round and rarely experiences extreme climate change. Coffee grows at an altitude of more than 1500 meters. The coffee produced in this area is the most award-winning and the most famous in Guatemala.

One of the coffee beans from Guatemala that Qianjie Coffee bought is from Antigua. What's more, it comes from La Minita. Raminita benefits from the climate and altitude formed by the geographical advantages of its manor, and the location limits the number of pests, so coffee is grown here without pesticides, and a few pests do not have much impact on coffee trees.

The manor conducts soil tests twice a year to determine how to fertilize, and is very careful when using products that increase yield, about three times a year. The scientific cultivation and management of the manor has led to the excellent flavor of Qianjie Coffee, and Raminita's strict monitoring of the whole process from planting to packaging ensures the quality of this coffee bean.

Front Street Coffee Guatemala Antigua Flower God

Producing area: Antigua producing area of Guatemala

Manor: la Minita Manor La Minita

Altitude: 1200 m

Variety: Kaddura, bourbon

Treatment method: washing treatment

[Vivette South Fruit producing area]

Vivette south fruit producing area has a dry climate and high altitude. Thanks to the dry hot wind from the isthmus of Twentpec, Mexico, coffee in the Vivetna fruit producing area is protected from frost. This producing area has warm, humid Caribbean air from the Central Mountains, clouds, changeable climate, and fertile volcanic soil.

One of the rations beans in Qianjie Coffee is a coffee bean from Vivette Nan Fruit producing area.

Qianjie Coffee Guatemala Vivette Nanguo

Producing area: Guatemala Vivette South Fruit producing area

Altitude: 1500m-2000m

Varieties: bourbon, Kaddura, Kaduai

Treatment method: washing treatment

[new Oriental producing area]

In ancient times, the New Oriental region was still a volcanic area, where the soil was made up of metamorphic rocks, so it was rich in minerals. The New Oriental District used to be the poorest area in Guatemala before it began to grow coffee. Since the 1950s, farmers in the mountains have started growing coffee on the natural, nutritious land here. Gradually, it has become a rising star in the Guatemalan coffee industry.

The coffee produced in New Oriental area has a balanced flavor, mellow thickness and chocolate flavor.

Washing and cooking technique

The former street coffee Guatemala Antigua flower god as an example for segmented extraction:

Steam with 30 grams of water for 30 seconds, small water flow around the circle to 125 grams for sectional injection, water level drop is about to expose the powder bed, continue to inject water to 225 grams to stop injection, and so on when the water level drop is about to expose the powder bed, remove the filter cup, (steaming starts timing) the extraction time is 2 minutes 39 percent 00 ".

Flavor description

Citrus acid is obvious, sour juice, rich floral aroma, pleasant sweetness, medium mellow, slightly caramelized and smoky in the back, pure, mild, smooth texture, balanced and lively layered taste.

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