Coffee review

The relationship between "coffee beans with special goals" and coffee lovers

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Friends who roast coffee beans at home, assuming that they also want to buy coffee beans based on the concept of caring for the environment, society, economy, and so on, what other choice do they have besides buying coffee beans with special goals or certification marks? For friends who bake coffee beans at home, the biggest consideration is that the choice of this kind of coffee beans is too limited.

Friends who roast coffee beans at home, assuming that they also want to buy coffee beans based on the concept of caring for the environment, society, economy, and so on, what other choice do they have besides buying coffee beans with special goals or certification marks?

For friends who roast coffee beans at home, the biggest consideration is that the selection of this kind of coffee beans is too limited. Coffee beans with organic or fair trade certification are mostly from Latin America (especially from Peru, Mexico and Central America). Even in these producing areas, the selection of coffee beans is also very limited. What's more, the most respected coffee producing areas in the world are completely uncertified (for example, Kenyan coffee beans are mostly produced by cooperatives formed by small-scale coffee farms. However, this producing area of Kenya does not have the mark of "fair trade certification" at all). In the Harald region of Ethiopia and Yemen, chemical fertilizers are not used at all, but there are no "organically certified" coffee beans.

The above paragraph is just a way to dispel the myth of certification, but from practical experience, many fair trade or organic certified coffee are of very good quality. The best example is the two best coffee beans (one from Nicaragua and the other from Peru) tested by the author in 200 cups, which are organic and fair trade certified coffee beans. But as far as the current situation is concerned, it is difficult to get friends who roast coffee beans at home to be interested in studying the history, scope and complexity behind these certification projects. therefore, it is impossible for home roasters to buy only certified coffee beans for roasting.