Coffee review

General knowledge about Blue Mountain Coffee

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, The Tooth Plus Law stipulates that only beans produced in mountainous areas can be called Luoshan Coffee. High-level Gaoshan Coffee can be divided into three grades: No. 1 (over 17,18 mesh), No. 2 (16 mesh) and No. 3 (15 mesh), with 17 eyes equivalent to 17x64 inches; it tastes the same (all must be confirmed by the professional cup of dentistry and government staff), but the sizes are different, these three levels

The dental law stipulates that only coffee beans produced in mountainous areas can be called Yushan coffee.

The high-profile Coffee in Luoshan is divided into three grades: No. 1 (over 17,18 mesh), No. 2 (16 mesh) and No. 3 (15 mesh), and 17 eyes are equivalent to the size of 17cm 64 inches.

It tastes the same (it has to be confirmed by the professional cup of dentistry and government staff), but the size is different.

The raw beans of these three grades must be imported into wooden barrels before they can be exported abroad, which are divided into three specifications: 70 kg / 1 barrel, 30 kg / 1 barrel and 15 kg / 1 barrel.

The barrel will be printed with the name of the producer, the English letters of the importer's name and the name of each shipment and the port of arrival.

For example, the Japanese head office of Shanghai Jialu Coffee Co., Ltd., ATAKA Trading Co., Ltd., has the title of ATC in the logo of Takayama Coffee barrel.

On the other hand, the logo of "on the Coffee barrel" imported by the Shanghai Coffee Company in Japan has the words "UCC" in it.

So when you see the mountain coffee bucket, you can know which farm the coffee comes from.

Its importer is Huan, what port to go to

At the same time, the dental exporter will provide the importer with a copy of the certificate of origin.

This certificate of origin approved by the government is only available to importers of whole barrel units (70 kg / barrel, 30 kg / barrel, 15 kg / barrel).

It is marked with the name of the export bank, the name of the importer, the number, quantity, equal number, batch number, port name of the year, etc.

(only alpine coffee beans are packed in wooden buckets among the coffee beans produced outside the mountainous areas of Canada.)

Next, those green beans, beans of different sizes that don't look good on the surface but don't taste bad.

The Canadian government stipulates that these raw beans can only be exported abroad in sacks.

And worse than that are the coffee that has a defective taste.

The Canadian government strictly stipulates that this kind of coffee cannot be exported abroad in the form of raw beans.

Only after the teeth are baked on the ground and must be forcefully baked can they be exported abroad.

Because only strong baking can hide or eliminate the defective taste.

And the key points of Yushan Coffee can be shown perfectly only when they are colorful.

So if you buy strong roasted small packets of Laoshan coffee with direct import in domestic stores

That's the lowest grade coffee in Luoshan Coffee, but at least it's still real Coffee.

In China, there are still many consumers who get fake mountain coffee at high prices without a grain of mountain beans, which is really wronged!

Original address: about Blue Mountain Coffee Grade author: carmo