Coffee review

Scientists analyze that a cup of black coffee contains more than a thousand ingredients

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, Scientists estimate that a cup of black coffee contains at least a thousand ingredients. So far, more than 850 compounds have been isolated from coffee in the laboratory, of which 1/3 are aromatic substances, which are far richer than red wine, vanilla, chocolate, almonds and cocoa. Coffee can be called the most mellow drink of human beings, bringing to people who prefer, a variety of good taste enjoyment!

Scientists estimate that a cup of black coffee contains at least more than 1,000 ingredients, and the laboratory has isolated more than 850 compounds from coffee, of which one-third are aromatic substances, far more abundant than red wine, vanilla, chocolate, almonds and cocoa. Coffee can be called the most fragrant human drink, to bring preferred people, all kinds of good taste enjoyment!